🔞 Chapter 16: Not Again 🔞

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"But, but you," she started to protest as he helped to bring her to her shaky feet. A single arm wrapped securely around her waist, while his hand came up to cup her chin.
Sasuke bent down and kissed her briefly on the lips before whispering into her ear, "I got what I wanted this time, love. But, maybe next time, alight."


It had been a couple of weeks since the incident with their parents and her fiancé had somehow convinced them all (probably more of Mikoto's influence than anything else) to drop their crazy idea of attending the couple's next therapy session... thankfully.

However, that's not to say that they just simply... left the couple alone about it.

It was the complete opposite actually. They never left them alone. Ever. It was grating on Sakura's last nerve. Anytime she went over to Sasuke's house, Fugaku would be there, or Mikoto... although she was much more discreet about it than her male counterpart was, and it was the exact same situation at her house whenever Sasuke came for a visit.

Her mom forced them to stay in the living room, while she "prepared for work" or "cooked them a grand meal from the kitchen", which was within eye and ear shot of the living room. Mebuki always seemed to have an eye on them anymore and so, when the time came for their next visit, Sakura had most certainly had enough.

She pulled out her phone that morning and typed a quick message to her lover. It read: Want to go to the mall after therapy today? Seconds later, Sakura got a response from him.

Sakura, that's not allowed. You naughty girl. ;)

Oh, shut up! I just need a break from the constant... eyes on us. Understand?

I know what you mean, beautiful. How about this, we tell them we are going to meet up with our friends or something. Maybe use the time to go on a date? What do you say, love?

Do you even have to ask!?! Wait a second, wasn't it I who was asking you out? How did you turn this around on me, Sasuke?

It's a natural born gift I suppose. Dress casual. I think it's going to be a long session today; we might want to dress comfortably. I will pick you up in 10 minutes. Be ready. I love you.

Love you too, babe! See you soon!

The pinkette locked her phone as soon as her door began to open and placed it in the back pocket of her shorts, just as her mother walked into the room unannounced... her eyes scanning the room slowly, before landing on Sakura.

"Sakura dear... make sure you come home right after the meeting. I have some things I need to do today and I want you home on time so that you can get dinner started for me." She was about to walk out again, when her daughter cleared her throat. An anxious ball of energy filled her gut as her mother gave her a stern glare and she cleared her throat once, before finally gaining the courage to speak.

"Actually mom... I was kind of wondering if I could go to the mall afterwards with Sasuke and some friends today." Her mother's lips pierced together and she glared harder at her daughter for a few seconds more. "We just haven't been able to spend time with them lately and I thought that it would be nice to see them all and catch up."

A long, pregnant pause followed. Then—

"Ino will be there?"


"Hmm... and Hinata?"

"Yes, I think so. I'm pretty sure she's not busy, but I will ask her again just to make sure."

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