🔞 Chapter 15: Back to Reality 🔞

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He was about to say something to her when they heard a sound behind them... one that had grown all too familiar over the last few weeks. A throat clearing. The lover birds turned, wide-eyed, as they came face to face with the new intruder.

"Really you guys, not again."


Sakura swallowed slowly and cleared her throat while she tried to discreetly readjust her bikini bottoms in the water. "What are you doing here," she questioned, attempting to change the subject and divert the attention away from the real issue at hand. But of course, things didn't work out in her favor.

The young interloper took a step towards the couple, with his arms crossed over his chest while a disappointed and disapproving look twisting his features. "I mean I expected this from you guys. But... did it have to be in a public place again, and in the damn pool no less." Sasuke snorted and rolled his obsidian eyes as he placed Sakura gently behind his back with his left arm. The young woman tried to shield her face with her hands as she was suddenly consumed with utter embarrassment from the situation at hand. 'If... if Sasuke and I had been thinking more clearly, we wouldn't have gotten caught by... damn it to hell. We really need to learn to control ourselves a little better, Shannarō!' Sasuke interrupted her thoughts with a huff of irrational irritation. It wasn't anyone else's fault but their own for getting caught after all.

"You're one to talk," Sasuke growled angrily as he adjusted his swimming trunks with absolutely zero discretion used, causing Sakura to blush a deeper shade of burgundy than she had been previously. 'Seriously, how many shades or red are there... I think that I've worn them all at this point.' Sasuke continued with his angry tirade as he shook his fist in the air towards the intruder. "I know for a fact that you and your girl were messing around here on the first night," Sasuke finally finished as he moved to the side of the pool, closer to the other individual.

The teen sputtered indignantly before declaring, "We were not messing around! We were swimming! Just swimming! That's all, I swear!"

"Yes, you most certainly were," Sasuke said as he leaned in. "I could hear you." The boy's eyes widened significantly.

"B-but... h-how? That's..."

"The walls are very, very thin... idiot."

Naruto paled before uncrossing his arms to wave them in the air animatedly; his attempt at appeasing the irritated Uchiha. "P-please, don't tell Hina-Chan. She will be soooo embarrassed... and angry at me for getting caught."

"I won't... if you let this whole thing go. Now."

Naruto looked as if he was going to protest, but decided against it after glancing at Sakura and meeting her eyes. "Fine. I won't. But just watch it next time, will ya. Be more cautious, you know. I could have been anyone, dude."

"Sure. Will do."

"I mean the walls are super thin around here." The faintest hint of a blush brightened his pale cheeks, highlighting the unusual birthmarks there, before he quickly turned away... mumbling something about having to get ready for dinner. Sasuke turned to Sakura after Naruto left and noticed that she was still covering her face with her palms. He smiled softly as he pulled her towards him and kissed her temple affectionately. He wanted to tease her, badly, but decided not to in the end. Sasuke figured that Sakura had enough embarrassment for the night. Right now, his fiancé needs his softer side (the one reserved only for her); she needs his comfort and he would give it to her. He would give her anything she wanted and everything she needed because he loved her. So, so much.

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