🔞 Chapter 17: Surprise 🔞

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"WHAT!?! You guys? Oh Jesus... my eyes! Not again!!!"

'Fuck,' Sasuke thought as he turned slowly to face the new intruder; his black eyes widening significantly as they met a familiar pair of dark orbs... ones that somehow matched his own in color and intensity.

"Fucking hell," Sakura hissed while covering her face with her hands; silently praying to the gods above that this time wouldn't end in complete disaster. "Not again..."

Though if she thought about it, she highly doubted it... for the loud idiot that found them this time... couldn't keep his own mouth shut to save his life.

'This... is going to be a fucking nightmare.'


Sasuke's annoyance was nearly palpable as he glared at the newcomer, shielding Sakura's small, semi-naked form with his larger one while she peaked at the person beyond her fingers with widened eyes.

"Shisui, what are you doing here?"

"There was a complaint and well...," he shifted on his feet and adjusted the belt at his hips; black eyes focused to the left. "I just, good grief you two. Can't you make yourselves at least a little decent... for me. I mean seriously, my poor eyeballs."

Sasuke scoffed but complied as he helped Sakura adjust her top and the dress before tucking his now flaccid length back into his pants. The teen quickly excused herself and rushed to the dressing room to change, the deep red blush on her cheeks seeming to be permanent at this point. After Sakura had all but vanished behind the changing room's door, Sasuke turned to his older cousin with a deep frown.

Shisui stuck his tongue out and smirked. "Don't give me that look, Sasuke. It's not my fault you can't keep it in your pants. Besides, you're lucky it was me assigned to this call and not someone else. I mean imagine if it was Uncle... or worse, your—"

"Don't even go there, Shisui. I'm not in the mood for your teasing," Sasuke growled as he grabbed his cellphone and placed it in his back pocket, then glanced at the changing room door. "So, are you going to tell Mom and Dad about this then?"

"Fuck that! I don't want Uncle to kill me and I don't want to see auntie's reaction either," the young cop's face turned sour before he sighed. "Look... I won't say a word as long as it doesn't happen again, and I won't arrest you either. Although, I should...," he mumbled while crossing his arms over his chest.

"Thanks a lot, cousin," Sasuke said sarcastically, while he rolled his eyes. When his phone buzzed unexpectedly in his pocket, he pulled it out and glanced at the screen, his mood instantly changing at the sight of his fiancés name.

Is he gone yet?

Nope. Sorry, my love. I think he's waiting for us to leave.

Fuck. Why, though? I don't think I can face him after this, babe! I'm so embarrassed!!! Ugh!

He's just doing his job. It's fine, I promise. He won't bother you Sakura because he will have to get through me first. I don't care if he's a cop, he's my cousin. He won't fuck with me OR you.

That's really reassuring for me, Sasuke. Thank you so much for that. (She says sarcastically, with an extreme eye roll.)

Haha. Come on. We can stop by the sweets shop on the way home if you get done soon. I'll get you some of your favorites. Whatever you want, it's yours.

I'll be out in 5!

Sasuke rolled his dark eyes and smirked before pocketing his phone once again. When a throat cleared beside him, his smile disappeared. He sighed before turning towards his cousin once again, ready to get this conversation over with so that he could continue his date with Sakura.

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