🔞 Chapter 21: Game Day 🔞

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It came in a vision of fireworks, literal stars showing behind her now closed eyelids and she screamed his name once (loudly) into the afternoon air as her hips stilled and liquid heat once again dripped down her thighs. When she came down from her high, she opened them lazily to gaze at him and she couldn't help but smile when she saw the look on his face. "I should distract you more often," she teased him and he only rolled his eyes at her before leaning in to give her an affectionate kiss. After helping her get clean up and get dressed, he put his backpack on and reached for her hand to interlock their fingers as they set out again.

"Come on, let's get you home."


Thanks to her amazing fiancé, they had finally (though she still wasn't exactly sure how he did it) managed to make it out of the woods and back home, where Sakura was quick to jump into her bathroom for a much needed, hot shower. When she was thoroughly finished with washing all of the dirt and grim away, she was towel drying her hair when her cell phone suddenly began to ring incessantly where she left it half-hazardously on her mattress just a few minutes ago.

Thinking that it was probably just Sasuke calling to chat with her a little before bed, she went to answer it, but the name that popped up on the brightly lit screen surprised her. She quickly answered however and placed it up to her right ear while she continued to dry her damp locks.

"Hey, Ino. What's up?" The sounds of light shuffling could be heard on the other end, followed by a loud thump and a few, low curse words before the blonde finally responded.

"Hey, Sakura. I know I am headed out for the weekend in a few minutes, but I was wondering if you and Sasuke would like a couple of these game day tickets I won in a raffle the other day. I forgot about them until now... I just found them honestly. I won't be able to use them and I don't want them going to waste. I kind of figured that you might be free and could maybe use them instead of me. If not, that's fine as well. It's no big deal to me either way. I didn't pay for them after all. I just thought I would offer them up in case you all didn't have any plans already and would like to go."

"What game is it and where...," Sakura asked as she hung up her towels. More shuffling, and of course more cursing followed this, before Ino responded again. After receiving all of the finer details, Sakura decided to text Ino back with their answer and quickly sent Sasuke a message with the information. She ended it with:

So, what do you think, babe? Do you want to go?

It took him about a minute, before her phone buzzed again with his incoming message. She sat down cross-legged on her mattress to read it, tucking her hair behind her ears to keep it out of her face.

Sure, if you want to go, then we can. I can pick you up at four and we should have plenty of time to get there and find our seats before it starts. Does that work for you, my love?

Yeah, that works. I will let Ino know. I think it could be fun!

Okay. I'll see you then.

See you, babe. I love you!!!

I love you too, beautiful.

She sent her best friend a message and pretty quickly Ino responded to let her know that she would have her mother drop it off in the morning. Sakura placed her phone on her nightstand to charge, while she moved to her wall mirror to brush out her hair. Afterwards, she picked out her outfit for tomorrow and then crawled under her comforter, wrapping it tightly around her thin shoulders and closing her eyes to try and get some sleep.

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