🔞Chapter 2: The Last Straw 🔞

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A flashback to last week; back to the incident...


"Thank you for inviting me over for a movie night with your family, Mrs. Uchiha," Sakura whispered, almost shyly, as she tucked a strand of her long, pink hair behind her ears; that seconds ago had been hanging in front of her eyes. Even though they had been dating for a while now, Sakura still felt slightly intimidated by his family (more so his father than the others); almost as if she still had to prove something to them, his mother included. For Sasuke was without a doubt a "mama's boy" and his mother would constantly doted on her youngest son; as if he was the best thing since sliced bread. Sakura knew that she didn't have a reason to be so shy and conservative around them... they had accepted her into their fold a long ago... but the young teen's insecurities kept her from doing so.

The Uchiha matriarch smiled kindly at her before taking a few steps forward, until she was directly in front of the pinkette, before bringing her in for a small, comforting embrace. Sakura missed the soft smile from her boyfriend as he watched the two women in his life interact from his position in the doorway; his hands were resting in his jeans pockets and his posture was relaxed. "How many times do I have to remind you to call me Mikoto, Sakura." The girl blushed a rosy-red color, across her pale cheeks, and smiled apologetically at the older woman.

"I'm sorry," Sakura huffed out on a breath, with a light chuckle, as she tucked some more strands of hair behind her ears; a nervous habit of hers that she's had since grade school. "Old habits are really hard to break I guess."

His mother only shook her head in amusement before settling into her seat beside her husband; leaving Sakura to take her place next to Sasuke on the large sectional. The pinkette tried to put a respectable amount of distance between them once he sat down (since his parents were in the room) but Sasuke wasn't having it. He placed his arm on the back of the couch and then wrapped his large hand around her shoulder before pulling her to him. She blushed deeper and smacked his arm playfully but he merely smirked at her before turning his attention to the Tv screen. Mikoto had grabbed the remote and after a brief discussion on which movie they should watch, she pressed a few buttons and the movie began to play.

It was only about 20 minutes in, when she felt it—

She felt his eyes upon her; his focus solely on her and not on the movie that they were supposed to be watching with his parents. Sasuke suddenly reached behind them and pulled the large, plush comforter that had been resting on the back of the couch and placed it over both of their laps; thoroughly concealing what he was about to do from his parent's curious gazes.

"She was cold," was his simple response to his father's raised brow and when his parents finally returned their attention to the TV... Sasuke made his move.

She felt his rough fingertips brush the skin of her inner thigh and had to stifle her soft gasp with an even louder sounding cough. When she saw his mother turn and look at her with slight worry; she tried to wave off her concerns by saying that it was just a small tickling in her throat. Luckily for Sakura, Mikoto took it as the truth and smiled at her before turning her attention back to the movie. Sakura tried to push her boyfriend's hand away from her leg but he only laced their fingers together instead; then rested their hands on her bare skin. The heat from their hands was intense and that, combined with the warmth from the blanket, was beginning to make Sakura feel extremely... hot.

She felt warm tingles shoot straight through her feminine core; her inner walls clinched tightly and her breathing had increased significantly when his long digits began to dig into her soft flesh. He pressed his muscular frame against her harder as he massaged her skin; working his way up towards her—

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