🔞 Chapter 13: Celebrate 🔞

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I'm so sorry it took me so long to update this fiction. I am sincerely hoping to update the next chapter much sooner. I hope you enjoy this one. Thank you again for your patience! I greatly appreciate it!


"So... (he swallowed and continued) what's your answer? Because I want to spend the rest of my life with you too, Sakura. If you will have me that is. I love you... so much."

She smiled; from ear to ear. "Yes, of course I will marry you."


They walked for an immeasurable amount of time, hand in hand, down a long stretch of beach; the waves lapping at their bare, sand-covered feet. Their strides set a languid, leisurely pace as they made their way towards the stony path that would lead them back to their humble abode; their shadows trailing close behind as the moonlight shone brightly upon their mismatched figures.

When he came to a sudden, unexpected stop she paused, eyes searching his face for a second. Within the blink of an eye, he was lying on the ground; gazing up at his lover with a look of pure contentment and an open invitation for her to follow him. She quickly did just that without question before settling comfortably next to his side.

Sasuke lay on his back with his fiancé resting her head on his chest, while she brushed her fingertips against his bare skin. Sasuke smiled softly to himself before pulling her just a little bit closer, and then tucking his free arm beneath his head as a makeshift pillow. Not that he needed it because the soft sands were more than enough.

The gentle, evening breeze rolling off the water sent a cool chill through his body, but Sakura's warmth helped to keep him comfortable as they watched the midnight sky move in a lazy pattern above them. Her voice broke the silence. "I just can't believe this is actually real life. We are engaged. I don't even know how to process my feelings right now."

"Are you happy, love," he asked softly; his voice somehow able to mask his growing concerns. Yes, he knew for a fact that she loved him... as much as he loved her... but even still, doubts began to creep into the back of his mind. 'Did she really want this? Did she say yes because she wanted to make him happy? Was this the right time? Place? What if she regrets her decision in a couple of days? What if—'

Her soft chuckling disrupted his inner turmoil. "Of course, I am silly." Sakura lifted herself up on her elbows and smiled at him, the brightens of it more radiant than all of the stars in the night's sky. His heart lightened and his hands flexed against her as he gazed lovingly into her eyes. "I love you, Sasuke. I don't want to be with anyone else. I don't want to spend my life with anyone else. I will want you. Always."

He pulled her down and kissed her; he couldn't help it nor could he stop himself. His lips molding against hers before the tip of his tongue darted out to taste the saltiness upon her skin. Sakura sighed and melted into his side, her body going completely lax. "I fucking love you, beautiful."

"I love you too, Sasuke."

They settled into their previous positions, but his mind still swirled. The more he thought about it, the angrier he got with himself. 'Why didn't I get a fucking ring first? Why didn't I think this through? Was... was it a mistake to ask Sakura so suddenly? No. Never a mistake. But... I should have done it all differently. Ugh, I'm such a fucking idiot.'


"Hmm?" His fiancé wrapped her arm around his waist and nuzzled into his chest a little more; her pink hair blanketing his bare chest. Sasuke swallowed and sighed in frustration but it wasn't at her; it was at himself.

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