🔞 Chapter 25: Emotional 🔞

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He was just releasing his hold on her left leg, when a loud banging at the door startled them. The voice that followed made Sasuke inwardly cringe as he quickly helped Sakura to adjust her clothing before tucking himself back into his pants.


'Shit, not again.'


She wished she could say that they got to sit down and eat their meal together. Sakura wished that she could say they got to enjoy a quiet afternoon date that day, with small talk amongst themselves about their day or their future or even just a bunch of mundane things. She wished she could say that. But, she couldn't. Instead, they were escorted out of the busy facility, embarrassingly so, through the throng of other curious (and sometimes appalled) patrons... by none other than his cousin. After they had safely navigated and then exited the bustling restaurant, he had quickly rounded on them; onyx eyes ablaze with irritation and frustration.

"You both better be glad I'm off duty tonight," the extremely disgruntled Uchiha huffed while running his hands through his dark, messy hair. "Otherwise, I would be dragging your sorry asses down to the police station right now, in fucking handcuffs."

Sasuke scoffed as he crossed his arms over his chest, all the while Sakura tried to make herself invisible by standing slightly behind him; her face buried in his back while her cheeks blazed anew. "Yeah right, Shitsui."

"I'm serious! This is the second time I've run into you both for this same exact issue!!! Get your fucking shit together, Sasuke. NOW! Before I break my promise and tell Uncle about all of this!"

Her fiancé's frown deepened and he took a defensive step forward. "Go ahead!!! He wouldn't give a fuck anyway. We both know that. Especially after...," he paused, head tilting to the side only slightly so that he could glance at Sakura, before he cleared his throat and sighed. "Look, we will be careful from now on. Okay."

"You had better be, Sasuke, and make sure she covers up those bruises before Auntie Kushina sees her or we won't hear the end of it...," Shisui hissed, before stomping away. Sasuke huffed, then turned to grasp Sakura by the hand.

"Come on, let's go, my love. You can do your makeup in the car."

"O-okay," Sakura stammered as she quickly moved to his side, her grip on him tight as they made their way back to his car. The ride to Naruto's house was silent, apart from Sakura applying some blush and concealer here and there and she wished just this once that she hadn't been invited over to his house for dinner.

When Sasuke parked, she asked, "So, can you tell?" He turned to her and his eyes scanned her slowly, lingering on her lips before meeting her eyes.

"Not too much. It just looks like you're really tired and have chapped lips." She nodded and placed her makeup back in her purse.

"That's good. I did my best."

"As long as it stays there, they shouldn't notice. Just don't bring much attention to it if they ask. We don't want your mother or father finding out about it, love."

Sakura rolled her eyes before grabbing for the door hand. "You don't have to tell me twice, Sasuke...," she groaned before exiting his vehicle, preparing herself for the worst, but hoping for the best.

As luck would have it, Kushina didn't seem to notice her slightly different appearance. That being said, Sakura did NOT account for the fact that the Uzumaki's would insist on her staying for a moving night with them... nor did she factor in that they would have picked such a sad movie.

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