🔞 Chapter 31: Mother Knows Best 🔞

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Before I begin, I'd like to take one moment to thank Gwollu from Twitter for creating such an amazing & beautiful masterpiece for this fiction (specifically a small section from chapter 27!). She is truly one of the best!! If you'd like to see the image, I'll share her link down below, as well as mine to 'section of story' the art is based off of! (It's 18+, not much, but just a warning!)

If you would like to get the full original illustration without watermarks and better resolution, please dm her on Twitter! I thank you for your continued support! 🙏

Her link:


My link:


Now, onto the story!

They sat there for a while longer in comforting silence, watching the fish swim by, before silently agreeing that it was time to (reluctantly) head home.


"Sakura, come down for breakfast," her Mother called from the kitchen and the pink-haired groaned before tossing her sheets and comforter to the side. Sitting up slowly with the morning sunlight streaming in... Sakura rubbed at her tired eyes with her palms and yawned, stretching before making her way to the bathroom to freshen up.

She was somewhat surprised that her Mother was even home today, given how absent she had made herself lately and contemplated if she really wanted to go down and eat with her or not, before deciding she might as well; lest she start an argument between them again. She wasn't in the mood for it, and after becoming pregnant... she was NOT always a morning person, so any little thing would set her off.

She found her Mother standing at the stove with her back facing her, the scent of pancakes making her mouth water. She went over to the cabinet and grabbed a glass, filled it with some water, then made her way towards the table just as her mother placed a stack of freshly made pancakes on the table between them. She sat across from Sakura and motioned for her to fill up her own plate first. After pouring syrup on top, they ate in relatively comfortable silence.


"So how are you feeling?" Sakura blinked at her Mother as she slowly chewed on the last bite of pancake on her plate before swallowing. She cleaned her mouth with her napkin then sat back in her chair, her baby bump protruding even more after the large plate of food.

"Fine," she answered; her tone giving away her wariness. Her Mother sent her a soft smile.

"That's good. How's the uh... how's the baby and Sasuke, how is he?"

"They're both good," her lips twisted slightly, her eyebrows drawn in confusion. Was her Mom up to something? Was this some kind of ploy of some kind? She's been so absent lately, so absorbed in herself, that it was hard for Sakura to believe that she was asking this due to her own genuine curiosity. Surely there was a motive behind it... right?

Needing a distraction, she stood and took her plate to the sink to clean it. Her mother stood moments later and got a container out to put the extra pancakes in... before moving over to her daughter's side to help with the drying. Haruno Mibuki continued the prior conversation with, "So, when is your next doctor's appointment??? I was thinking, maybe I could go with you and—"

Sakura slammed her hands on the counter, sending suds and water flying all over and causing her Mother's eyes to widen in surprise. "Really," she growled; eyes closing while her body shook with a mixture of emotions. She refused to look at the woman as she continued... tears flowing freely down her cheeks. "After all this time of silence... you think you can just ask me something like that... or talk to me like nothing has happened?" Her Mother sighed and placed the damp towel on the counter.

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