🔞 Chapter 22: The Breaking Point 🔞

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She was just starting to relax, Sasuke had allowed her leg to finally fall back down beside the other one, when she heard a sharp gasp behind them.

'Fuck, who could it be this time?'


'Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!'

Sasuke stood ramrod straight, his arms encircling his girl's hips as he shielded her with his taller frame. They spared a quick glance at each other, before he turned to look over his shoulder while she stood on her tiptoes to see around him. They held their breaths collectively as they scanned their surroundings for the perpetrator of the sound. Finally, they found it.

The small, sharp gasp that they heard came from a young woman standing nearby, though her attention was focused on the overhanging television screen and thankfully not on the scantily clad couple behind her. So as luck would have it, an imminent crisis was somehow averted for the young companions where their hidden location remained a sordid secret; for their eyes and ears only.

'That was close. Thank God, she didn't see us. I can't even imagine the fucking trouble that we would be in if she had. We really should be more careful.'

They quickly adjusted their clothing (sneaking glances at the woman as they did so) and did a few minor tweaks to their hair before exiting the small alcove (hand in hand) as Sasuke tugged Sakura towards the flashing, neon exit sign that happened to be blocked off by the concession stands. Sakura's eyes grew wide and she tried to halt their forward momentum, but Sasuke's strides remained purposeful and strong; an impenetrable force.

"B-but the game is...," Sakura protested, but he continued on as he squeezed her hand gently.

"Don't worry about it...," he insisted while shoving his way through the crowd. "It wasn't that interesting anyway." This earned him a few dirty looks from some of the nearby fans, but he didn't seem to notice (not that he would have cared regardless). "Would you want to go anywhere else before I take you home, my love? We still have about an hour or so left before the game will be officially over... so we can still hang out for a little while if you want too."

She bit her lip as they made their way through the parking lot and towards his car, mind racing with all of the different possibilities, but she somehow came up empty. She shook her head no and sighed in resignation. "I can't really think of anywhere that I need to go, babe. Can you?" He shook his head as well while he held the passenger's side door open for her. She thanked him softly before sliding into the seat and then watched as he made his way around the front and over to the driver's side before he slid in next to her.

He reached for her hand once he was buckled and planted a kiss onto her knuckles, causing her to blush profusely as he refused to break their (intense) eye contact. "I just want to be with you, Sakura wherever and whenever I can." She bit her bottom lip again and chuckled nervously as her free hand came up to cup the back of her neck, while the blush on her plump cheeks refused to recede even marginally.

'I guess I do know one place, thanks to a certain blonde. But can I really suggest it to Sasuke? It's so... it's just so... uh—'

"Well, I guess I know somewhere close by that we can go and check out. Ino told me about it. But... I don't know..."

"What kind of store is it and where? I don't mind going if that's what you want to do, beautiful."

She was extremely hesitant at first to even bring it up, but finally (after a little more persuasion on his part) confessed and Sasuke readily agreed to go with her, though a small, sly smirk was on his lips as he quickly twisted the key into the ignition.

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