🔞 Chapter 11: The Bar 🔞

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With several explicit curse words coming to mind; he scrambled to grab their clothing before helping Sakura to get dressed. Right as the last article of clothing was put back into place, they heard their names being called from somewhere just outside of their sights.

He quickly grasped her hand, before pulling her forward and into the bright light of the afternoon sun; just as a tall figure came into view.


Somehow, Sasuke was able to convince Ino's boy toy, Sai, that the couple had simply wandered off from their small little gathering, in order to go for a nice (relatively relaxing) afternoon stroll. That's when they happened to stumble across this tiny cave, and were simply marveling at the beautiful and intricate hieroglyphs inside of it that adorned the entirety of the rounded curvature of its walls.

Yes, of course that was complete and utter bull shit, but irregardless of whether or not it was fact or fiction... it got the tall, pale-skinned man off of their trail for the time being; which he was utterly thankful for. Though, he knew from the curious and scrutinizing glares from the others, that they would be much harder to convince. So instead of even attempting it, Sasuke busied himself with bringing Sakura over to their towels; then sat her down, before grabbing a cold beverage from the cooler and handing it to her.

Sakura's cheeks blazed as their friends watched them closely for another minute, before resuming their previous conversations. 'Crisis averted,' she thought; that is, until Hinata tapped her kindly on the shoulder to secretly inform her that she had a few little fingerprint-sized bruises on her right hip that weren't there before both she and Sasuke had left a little while ago. 'Damn it!'

Sakura glanced at Sasuke... who happened to overhear the whole 'secret' conversation... to try and get some form of help from him, but he only smirked at her before winking and then turning away to resume his conversation with Naruto. Sakura seethed, but tried her best to ignore her growing irritation and turned to give the dark-haired girl a reassuring grin. She waved it off as nothing, but knew that Hinata didn't exactly buy it; but she did drop the matter, much to Sakura's immediate relief.

The pink-haired teen laid on her back and closed her eyes as the sun shined high above them; her skin heating almost uncomfortably, but she knew that going into the ocean to cool off... right now, while she recovered anyway... wasn't an option. Ino and Hinata lay beside her and conversation followed soon afterwards while the boys went to the water.

"So," Ino started, while flopping onto her belly. "I was thinking that maybe we could go shopping in a little while... to that mall we passed on the way here. You know, the one that has the really cute window displays. Maybe we can find something to wear for tonight's... festivities."

Sakura huffed and turned her head to glance at the blonde. "Why can't we just wear what we've already packed, pig? I really don't need any more clothes. I don't wear half of what I have as it is." Hinata remained decidedly silent, but tuned into the conversation because she had to agree with Sakura. She wasn't someone who liked to dress provocatively... and knew that was exactly what Ino had in mind. The blonde-haired woman was definitely much more outgoing than she was.

Ino lifted her upper half off the towel beneath her and rested her weight on her elbows; then pulled her sunglasses down past the bridge of her nose, so that she could meet her friend's glare with one of her own. "Look forehead, this is my birthday week and I insist on going shopping. I won't take no for an answer."

After a heated staring contest between the two females, Sakura finally caved. With a harsh sigh she rolled her emerald eyes... before her features pulled down and into a deeply set pout. "Fine...," Sakura groaned while crossing her arms over her petite chest. "I will agree... but ONLY because it's your birthday week. That is the ONLY reason and it's a onetime thing. So, don't expect it to ever happen again. Got it?"

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