🔞 Chapter 33: Unexpected 🔞

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When he began to sing her praise, she finally lost all control over her body and with a low shout, she came convulsing against him as wave after wave of pleasure swept her into a dark oblivion... dragging her fiancé along for the ride.


She was running towards him as he stood rigid, his back facing her so she couldn't read his expression. But no matter how hard the pinkette tried she simply couldn't reach him. Her legs continued to push her forward, but she somehow remained firmly in place.

"Sasuke? Sasuke! SASUKE!!!"

It was as if she was invisible to him. He couldn't see nor hear her and she felt desperation grip her heart; suffocating the very breath in her lungs. Finally, her legs gave out beneath her and she stumbled to the ground, hitting it hard while she scraped the skin on her knees and palms against its frigid and cracked surface. It was only then that she let the full weight of her grief hit her, and she soon began to cry. But as to why she felt such torment, she was uncertain.

Suddenly, a looming shadow fell over her and when she finally plucked up the courage to glance up, her heart sank to the souls of her feet.

Sasuke was finally acknowledging her, but the look on his face was one of pure disgust and hatred. He looked as if he wanted to kill her, wishing for her the most painful of deaths, right then and there. Sakura slowly swallows before falling backward on her butt, shuffling away from his towering figure.

His lips twisted into an evil grin and his eyes for an instant flashed from the deep, dark, rich charcoal to an almost blood red. She gasped and reeled at the sight of his grotesquely disfiguring expression, but no sound emerged past her parted lips.

He was changing.

Transforming into something evil.

Something dark and sinister.

'A monster.'

He slowly stalked her while she shuffled backwards, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. His hand was outstretched towards her, his fingernails elongating into sharp blades while his black hair slowly grew in length. Was that... wings... sprouting from the center of his back?! He was almost on top of her now and she felt her voice cracking as she pleaded with him to leave her be. "No! Please... don't kill me. Please, leave me alone! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!"

She was startled awake when something began to gently shake her shoulders. "Sakura, Sakura. Wake up now. It's alright, my love. You're just dreaming— It's all just a dream. You are fine. You are gonna be okay. I'm here." Her eyes flew open and she quickly jumped into an upright position... roughly smacking her forehead against the figure hovering next to her on the floor.

"Ouch! Damn it."

"Fuck," Sasuke hissed through clenched teeth as he soothingly rubbed at the spot on his forehead where his lover had collided with it. "You've got a hard ass head, Sak."

"Well I'm so sorry," she huffed as she threw off the white afghan draped over her midsection, spinning around a little before planting her bare feet on the floor with a tired yawn. She stretched her arms over her head and ran her fingers through her hair, trying to detangle it a bit as she slowly caught her breath from the nightmare. "I wasn't expecting you to be in my face like that."

"You were screaming in your sleep, Sakura," her fiancé says as he leans back on his heels, hands falling to rest on her knees where he gave them a small, comforting squeeze. "I was worried."

"I'm sorry," she whispers, nipping at her bottom lip. "I didn't mean to bother you." Sasuke snorted and leaned in to kiss her softly. When he pulled away, his expression was playful.

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