🔞 Chapter 29: Bedrest 🔞

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"S-Sasuke, I need to go to the h-hospital. Now." Without hesitation, the Uchiha stood and scooped her up tenderly into his arms before carrying her out the front door and to his awaiting car; fear gripping him as he raced her towards the hospital. Running every single red light along the way.


"Sakura? Sakura! Where in hell is she!?!" Her best friend's voice carried towards them from down the hallway and the pink-haired rolled her eyes but smiled while Sasuke let out a deep sigh of resignation. With his hand clasped tightly in hers, Sakura gave it a firm, yet reassuring squeeze just as Ino dragged herself into the room; followed closely behind by a panting, out-of-breath Naruto. "Oh my god!!! What in the hell happened to you," the blonde cried hysterically as she made her way to the pinkette's bedside. "How are you and how is the baby?"

"We're fine, Ino. No need to worry yourself over us."

"No need to— SAKURA HARUNO!!! HOW CAN YOU BE SO CALM AT A TIME LIKE THIS!?!" Sasuke sighed again and rubbed his hand down his face before moving it up to tussle his hair. Sakura shushed the hyperventilating girl by pulling her close with her free hand to sit in the plush chair opposite of Sasuke's.

Naruto, who was surprisingly quiet, had moved to the seat right next to her fiancé's and plopped down noisily in it as his gaze focused on her face.

"Are you okay, Sakura," he asked; genuine concern oozing from his body, as his muscles seemed taunt with anxiety. "I didn't want to intrude, but I also wanted to come with Ino to make sure that you and the baby were both okay. Sasuke, he sounded a bit...frantic...over the phone earlier when he called us to let us know that he took you to the hospital."

"We're both doing fine. My blood pressure was fluctuating too much, causing the cramps and dizzy spells. My doctor is keeping us overnight for observation, but said I should be able to go home sometime tomorrow morning!"

"That's great news!"

"Yeah, I'm glad it wasn't anything more serious...," Sakura sighed, and a small frown tugged at her lips. "But I have to remain on bedrest for a few weeks... with minimal activity. I'm not really excited about that part of it."

"It won't be too pleasant," Ino agreed with a slow nod, "but don't worry, Sakura! We will be there for you and we'll visit you as often as we possibly can to keep you company and keep you updated on what's what. Won't we, Naruto!" The other blonde nodded and gave her a soft smile. "So, you're sure you and the baby are fine...," Ino said as she brought her hand up to cover Sakura's free one. The pinkette tried for a reassuring smile to ease her friend's worry.

"Yes. They have me hooked up to a bunch of monitors to keep track of the baby's heart rate and whatnot. You can see it there," she indicated after withdrawing her hand to point at the machine to the side of Ino's chair. The blonde tilted her head as she gazed at the zigzagging patterns on the sheet of paper for a moment before nodding.

"I see. Well I'm glad then. If they weren't taking it seriously, I was going to have to fight someone for your honor, Sak." The pinkette laughed at this, a genuine fit that caused the others (apart from the Uchiha who snorted) to follow suit.

After their laughter had died down and joyful banter was exchanged between the group of friends, Ino decided to ask her, "So, has your mom called you yet to check up on you?" Sakura's mood instantly shifted, and she narrowed her eyes while her left hand closed into a tightly bound fist. Her fiancé to her right shifted uncomfortably in his seat but held onto her hand protectively as she began to speak.

"Of course not. I tried to call once I was settled in here and they had checked me out, but it went straight to voicemail." Ino's expression softened, turning slightly sad at the news.

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