🔞 Chapter 5: Afternoon Picnic 🔞

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"Do you think that you should tell them, ma'am," the dark-haired woman asked nervously while holding her glass tightly between slightly shaky fingers. "The kid's parents I mean." She glanced around the small room as if they would suddenly appear from out of nowhere, before returning her undivided attention back to her companion; who was staring at her with a lazy expression.

The blonde swirled a finger around the rim of her own drink before wrapping the thin digits around its neck; lifting it up to her red stained lips before taking a long, soundless sip. She smacked her lips loudly in approval and then placed it back on the wooden tabletop in front of her; brown eyes continuing to hold her friend's worried gaze with a look of only mild interest. "No."

The younger woman frowned. "But why though? I mean, isn't that what you agreed upon when you first took their case? Didn't you specifically tell them that you would relay everything back to..."

"That may be...," Tsunade declared lowly as she interrupted her friend's protesting, "but, (slurp) I don't think that they need to know about this particular incident."

Shizune blinked several times before finding her voice to form a response. "May I ask why you feel that way, ma'am?"

"It's not really their business, now, is it? Besides, it happened after hours." The blonde shrugged while her eyes flashed dangerously; but Shizune wasn't ready to back down... not just yet anyway.

"But, ma'am... I just think that maybe..."

"Look, Shizune... (gulp) they are just a couple of teenagers that are having a little bit of fun. There is no harm in what they are doing. Experimenting and participating in different types of sexual acts is a very common practice amongst their age group. It's nothing unusual or detrimental to their health. I think that their parents are simply over exaggerating the whole thing and making it into something that it shouldn't be. I mean really (sip) what's the worst that can happen?"

Shizune sighed in frustration, but decided to give it one last shot; though, she was already certain that it wouldn't do her any good. When her boss had made up her mind about something... there was very little that could be done to change it. "Ma'am, I really think that..."

"I will do as I very well please! I am the therapist around here... (glug) not you. Now, go and make yourself useful and get me another drink please," the extremely intoxicated woman barked loudly; hand coming down to slam her now empty drink against the wooden table... causing the object to groan underneath the pressure of her powerful fist. "I'm absolutely parched."

Shizune rolled her eyes, but got up and retrieved the drink; sitting it in front of her boss with a little more force than was necessary. With lips pierced and arms folded across her chest, she looked away in a huff. "I still think that you... being the professional and all... should tell them about the things that you saw."

"I'm not going to bother their parents with that," the drunk woman said with a dismissive wave of her right hand as she sank more comfortably into her seat. "There's no need to because it will only bring up more problems than the poor kids need. But... (sip) that doesn't mean that I can't have a little bit of fun with them when they come back in a few weeks for their next session."

The dark, twisted smirk that pulled at the blonde woman's features made her companion uneasy. Pretty soon after that, Shizune began to shift in her seat as she reached for her own beverage; ready for this night out with her longtime friend to be over and done with already, so that she could just go home and try to forget that it had even happened in the first place.

Why... why wasn't Tsunade going to say anything through, was a thought that would be plaguing the onyx-haired beauty's mind for days to come.

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