🔞 Chapter 14: The Final Day 🔞

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She smiled up at him when he pulled away and wrapped her arms loosely around his neck. "I love you, babe." He smiled back at her; the only time he ever smiled genuinely was with her.

"I love you too, beautiful. So damn much."


The following morning found Sakura sporting the biggest fucking migraine known to man... not to mention the queasiest stomach that has her dashing for the nearest toilet every two freaking minutes for about half an hour after she had initially opened her heavily crusted eyelids. Sasuke remained ever vigilant and faithfully held her hair back as she emptied the contents of her ill stomach into the white basin; much to her dismay and constant dismissal, he had remained.

"Don't ever let me drink that much again...," she snarled; bright eyes zeroing in on her lover who sat adjacent from her current position at the countertop. He remained silent and held a hand up in surrender while the other held a hot cup of coffee out to her in offering. She snatched the mug from his hands greedily, allowing the steam to roll across her cheeks; eyes closing tightly as a soft, comforting sigh escaped her slightly chapped lips. "Thank you, babe."


Sasuke watched her warily for the next couple of minutes, before tentatively reaching across the space between them to grasp her hand in his. Sakura looked at him from above the rim of her glass as she took a long, drawn-out sip of her hot beverage. "How are you feeling now, love?"

She shrugged. "Better. But not great. I think I just want to relax today, considering it is our last day here."

"How about we just go to the pool? We can sit around and enjoy the sunshine. Maybe work on our tan."

"Sunshine," Sakura snorted, teasing him with her eyes. He simply rolled his before taking his mug and hers to the sink to wash them. "Tan? I didn't expect you to be, to be so..."

"Don't start something that you can't finish, Sakura."

Sakura, begrudgingly, shut her mouth, refusing to ruin this day any further. The pinkette arched her back and raised her arms above her head in an elongated stretch while a huge yawn inflated and deflated her lungs. When she was about to ask Sasuke if he wanted to go ahead and get ready for the pool, the rest of their party came into the room from the attached hallway; all sporting their pajamas still and slightly disheveled appearances.

Ino Yamanaka was the first to speak, after slamming a fist unceremoniously against the countertop that is. "I. Need. Coffee. Now!" Sai, her "boy toy"... who was normally very compliant... stood completely still; his gaze focused on the wall behind her, his eyes seemingly in a daze. Ino huffed and crossed her arms like a petulant child. "Didn't you hear me, Sai? I said coffee... NOW!" That seems to finally break him out of his trance and he shook his head a few times before meeting her gaze.

"What did you say, sexy lady?"

Sakura had to place her hands over her mouth to stifle a laugh when Ino turned beet red, her mouth hanging open wider than anything Sakura had ever seen before. She stood from her stool and made her way behind the counter where Sasuke still stood; completely unfazed by the whole interaction. "I'll get it...," Sakura mumbled and turned away to conceal her smile as Ino began to sputter incoherently to Sai.

Hinata took Sakura's place and Naruto moved in behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head against her shoulder; causing the dark-haired woman to blush. "It's too fucking early to be up you guys. Can't we sleep a little longer."

"No," Ino piped in as she took a seat on the other side across from them. "All of the good deals will be gone." Sai took his place beside her and placed his arm along the back of her seat; while Sasuke stood at the end.

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