🔞 Chapter 12: When Darkness Falls 🔞

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"Come on, Sakura," he said, before tucking some of her soft hair behind her ears. "Before someone comes looking for us." She allowed him to pull her along the dimly lit hall behind him; still a little bit dazed from the whole experience.

'Did I really just do that; in a bar no less. What is wrong with me?'


Subsequent to the couple's romantic rendezvous, the remainder of that night's 'alcohol-filled' bash proceeded to advance with minimal casualties. It was far less problematic, towards the conclusion anyway, than it had been in the beginning... and even though there were still minor issues that arose due to some unexpected events and other patrons, the small group of adolescents seemed to be having a relatively good time; regardless of what they could and could not recall from what transpired on the dance floor beforehand... and then later on, in one of the bar's dimly lit hallway.

They were able to relax (with Sasuke keeping an extra close eye on his partner) and unwind from the stresses of their everyday lives; while lively... and joyful... conversations flowed freely amongst the women and men; everyone eager to hear and tell their stories to one another, while enjoying a cold and surprisingly refreshing beverage.

Life, was good; at least for now.

Sasuke held his girlfriend's hand as they exited the bar, several hours after they had first entered it, and followed their companions down the dark and dingy streets. The stagnant air surrounding them on all sides, was filled with the fragrances that always seemed to be a custom for any... late night stroll on the town.

When the raven-haired teen took a deep breath into his lungs, his nostrils became crammed with the undesirable and overwhelming effluvium of stale perspiration... along with some poor excuse for either women's perfume or men's cologne (he wasn't exactly sure which it was meant to be...), food being cooked somewhere close by, gasoline from a diesel truck that zipped past them swiftly on the roadside, decaying meats and foods from a nearby dumpster, and then of course the strong alcohol that was burning thickly in the air.

"So, did you have fun tonight, Sasuke...," Sakura asked, while bumping into his side affectionately. Her joyous smile was really contagious... and the youngest Uchiha found himself returning it; with a barely visible one of his own. Sasuke hummed as response, before leaning down; his thin mouth pressing against the soft past behind her ears lightly; causing the woman to shiver.

"I had fun, love... however, the night isn't over... just yet. Want to go down to the beach with me? Just the two of us. Alone."

"I-in... t-the... dark," she stuttered; breath coming out a little harder when his tongue darted out to lick the shell of her ear. She panted her growing desires into the night's soft breeze, while her hand squeezed his a little tighter.

"Sure, why not? Don't worry... I won't let anything happen to you, beautiful," he teased her lovingly.

After a little amount of hesitation on her part— "Yes."

Sasuke couldn't hide the smirk this time around and his stride seemed to be a little more prideful as they made their way back to the beach house. It took about twenty minutes before they rounded the bend and the home came into view... but her body halted when Sasuke tugged on her limb gently. His head tipped towards their friends and he leaned down to whisper, so that the others couldn't hear. "Let them know we will see them in a little while." Sakura nodded, before clearing her throat rather loudly. The others turned to her with varying degrees of awareness in their hazy eyes; the alcohol affecting their systems differently.

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