🔞 Chapter 24: Baby Mama Drama 🔞

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He smiled back at her before placing a kiss upon her nose. "You know, I think I like this one just a little bit more."

"Me too."


Somewhere else...

Mayumi was working unostentatiously in the corner of her parent's study late into the evening hours, though it wasn't on the homework in which she had told them she would be working on. She was actually intensely searching the web, her fingers working quickly across the keyboard, while her eyes scanned the random articles here and there that she happened to come across that piqued her interest.

When she went to bed that night, it was with a wicked grin on her lips, for she was thoroughly pleased with her newly formed plans and was ready to execute them tomorrow; if she could find her target that is.

If you went through her search history (before she deleted it of course) you would have noticed a few... peculiar and disturbing... things about it. Some of them read as follows:

... how to get rid of someone's fiancé...

... how to abort an early pregnancy...

... how far is too far when beating someone up...

... how to stay out of jail for fighting...

The list went on and on, some of them being darker than others, but little did she know however that Sakura Haruno was NO pushover. Things were about to heat up.


That night, after her fiancé had dropped her off back at her house, Sakura got ready for bed and the following morning everything was going smoothly; until school had ended.

"Hey, Ino," Sakura called to the blonde as she followed her down the hallway after classes had officially finished. "Did you by any chance get the notes from earlier? I seemed to have misplaced mine."

Ino nudged her friend's shoulder playfully and wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, while Sakura shifted anxiously on her feet. "Sure you did...," she teased before swinging her hair out of her face and behind her back. "I saw you... and Sasuke in the back of the classroom, kissing."

Sakura blushed and tucked her hair behind her ears while squeezing her books to her chest. "Stop. We were just—"

"Yeah, yeah," her friend said with a dismissive wave. "Take mine then I guess. It's not like I'm going to study. Besides, I'm headed over to Sai's house today. I can just borrow his until you give me mine back later."

"Won't he need to study though?"

"Nah, I mean, has he ever?"

Both girls laughed before parting ways and Sakura began to descend the long flight of steps before heading out to the parking lot, completely unaware of the incoming crisis that was lurking just behind the corner.

I'm heading to your car now. Are you coming soon?

Sakura sent the message to Sasuke, but before she could read his response, something had hit her from behind. Her poor head was currently spinning from the impact and her books flung across the blacktop, her body toppling forward with the momentum from the shove. "Ugh, what the fuck," she hissed, but as she spun around on her ass, the air left her lungs completely.

'Mayumi, what in the hell is she doing here? She doesn't even go here? What's going on? Where is Sasuke?'

She quickly rose to her feet, ignoring the shocked gasps and low whispers from her fellow classmates, and glared daggers at the woman across from her, fists tightly bound by her sides. "What is your problem, bitch?"

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