Nishinoya Yuu 🎁 -N

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title : Will you?

genre: Fluff & kinda holiday related

1st POV

Walking towards the gym, the faint sound of my steps echoing through the covered pathway. Pushing the cold metal door open. "TANAKA STOP TAKING YOUR SHIRT OFF"

Looking up to see the familiar boy swinging his shirt around in the air, almost as if it was a victory dance. Walking through the door and towards the bleachers "Hey Kiyoko how's practice been?" my quiet upperclassman how simply looked towards me as she finished writing on the clipboard.

"nothing new-" before she could finish her sentence the familiar voice of my beloved bestfriend shouted at us.

"N/n! YOU CAME TO PRACTICE!" feeling two arms wrap around my shoulders and a pressure on my back. Laughing as i immediately new what he was going to do. Suddenly the pressure on my back was lifted and pushed on my shoulders as i wobble with the small male on my shoulders.

"Hey Noya, hows practic- AH" the pressure suddenly being lifted completely of and two squeaks could be heard. "Practice is Almost over"

Turning around to see the boy walking back onto the court like nothing happened, taking a seat next to kiyoko.
"He seems almost fixated around you, he tried holding up practice"

"Really? Oh my" Looking at the boy who was now receiving the ball, our eyes meeting before i quickly look away, ending up watching the ball fly to the setter.

Timeskip cause practices are weird to write about

Walking out of the gym, Noya walking close by. The Sunset in the background as we chatted about nothing in particular, class, practice, home life when the footsteps beside me stop and a light rummaging could be heard.

Turning around and looking at the boy infront of me, his hand appearing out of his bag holding a small thin box.
"Noya? Whats that?"

"Y/n Will you be my valentine?"

Will you?

Yes      OR     No

Yes this was my way of bullshiting out of a story sorry its short, and sorry I haven't posted in a while I've been working on mental health.

(Also I've been hyper fixated on a new obsession but we don't need to talk about my unhealthy obsessions)

Hope you've been having a good day.
Who else is gonna be single on valentines day

Also i got like no inspiration (TT)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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