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Bokuaka confession
-Bokuto wanted to confess first but Akaashi bet him to it.
-Akaashi was nervous and kenma Had to help prep him
-kenma helping didn't go so well so kuroo came from distracting Bokuto
-Bokuto being the dummy he is took a second to even realize what akaashi said.
-Konoha just kinda watched the chaos unfold
-Bokuto IMMEDIATELY tells Hinata and try's to kidnap him
-Daichi stops him
- Akaashi apologizes

Bokuaka living together
-Its definitely clean, until you get to Bokutos side of the room
-Akaashi cooks for him
-Bokuto is banned from the kitchen ESPECIALLY when Kuroo's around
-Bokuto sometimes comes home late from practices, so they bathe together
-Akaashi gives him back rubs

Bokuaka Wild card (random scenario)
As a first date, they went to a restaurant, cheesy i know but heres the catch, they were gonna do a whole act.
Bokuto pulled out a ring "will you marry me" Akaashi of course accepted
The restaurant not doubting it for a second gave them a VERY NICE meal and dessert for free.

Don't try this at home kids it doesn't work...... i would know..

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