Tsukishima Kei 🌧 -F

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Title: Chasing Dreams
Request? orangechickenHinata
(Once again this is a Rewrite, but this may become a story cause i liked it so)

The view really was beautiful,
Building lights look like stars, cars & people look like ants, it was so perfect and yet it felt wrong? No it felt alright up here,
But life was a crumbling mess

Where did it all start?
Back when Mom left? Maybe it was after Yumiko died, or when Siana graduated
It had all really be a downhill ride

My mind was torn, this could be 'a long term solution to a short term problem' is what some could say but no matter what i did nothing came to mind as a solution
I wouldn't be here if there was
But I don't want this? Do i? Its not like i hate it but I can't put up with it

Its not Yumiko's fault, nor is it Siana's or Mom's, Dad always tried so hard it'll never be their fault, Tsukishima while he was an Asshole still seem to be there

The wind blew by, blowing through my hair
I thought back at all that brought me here

- A faint slam of the door could be heard, The small H/c child in-front of me peeked out
Dad leaned against the table, rubbing his temples

Siana sat in the living room continuing on her work, Yumiko pulled her head back in running over the Siana "Why are Mommy and Daddy fighting?" She questioned

I sat by the entrance of the room as footsteps approach "Kids, Mommy won't be coming home for a while" Yumiko ran to his legs

"Why?" She latched on looking up at him
"You're mother..Just needs to cool her head, shes not safe to be around you three" Siana scoffed grabbing her stuff and walking out-

Mom never came home,
Dad never planned on telling us back then that she wasn't going to come home as we were only children, then Yumiko got sick

-Coughing was heard as well as a faint beeping, i held Siana's hand as we stood outside a hospital room, Yumiko was young though
Surely she would survive!
It was a simple arm tumor, nobody thought much of it since it wasn't fatal

"N/n when i get out we should play volleyball"
She whispered before visitation hours were over, i took a step out and my stomach flipped,
I ran to the bathroom thinking i was going to vomit but nothing came out, i got up walked out of the stall and splashed some water in my face

Walking over to my father who stood by a doctor before a nurse ran by pager in hand, sending out a message, the doctor beside my father got a page as he read it his eyes morphed into worry

"You might wanna come with for this sir" the doctor started speeding off towards Yumiko's room
My heart dropped at the sight of her pale body, she looked ridged it twitched until it couldn't anymore, her eyes looked soulless, she didn't smile instead a blank face was what i saw-

After that life just seemed to move so much faster, and then Siana graduated, it was a great day tell she never came home from the after party
Yes she is still alive, but i rarely see her, she just up and left after graduation so when i see her talking to my dad every now and then but she looks so different, and the way she acts differently, its off putting

Seeing someone you used to look up to as just another person who doesn't know what to do, kind of sucks

All throughout middle-school was a mess, as i was constantly harassed by this tall blonde string bean
No harassed isn't the word, bugging?
No i think it would be Teased, yeah that sounds better

I was constantly teased by a tall blonde named Tsukishima Kei, we never talked more than teasing eachother but thats just how our friendship worked
Despite all that, i knew a lot about him

It felt nice to have someone so close but then highschool came, as much as people tell you it'll be so nice and so different, they could never actually prepare you for what will happen

Its not really that different, but it's different enough. Its not just the people you knew or even the same kids you saw on the playground and theres so many more opportunities to take
Tsukishima hadn't always been into volleyball since I'd known him but i knew he was at some point, so I didn't mind when Yamaguchi brought him back into volleyball

In fact i was excited, I was happy he got back into volleyball again but, with him gone my mind had more and more time to wander
Whether it was in class or after school there was a feeling of something lurking
A inner feeling, subtle doubt, anger, sadness?
I tried to distract myself from it, whether it was with clubs, or school work, i even picked up hobbies

But after a while it stopped helping,
I tried talking with more people becoming a social butterfly to try and fill it but it only made the feeling worse
So i closed them out, shunning myself back into the background and while sure every now and then someone will ask why
I'd give them a simple answer

'I just got tired of talking so much!'

When actually I couldn't stand the idea of these people leaving, them disliking me or who i am
So here i am, before anyone can leave me, I'll leave them. They can't hurt me if I've moved on without them

One step after another, my legs shook like leafs in the wind, my brain was screaming two different things
"Don't" and "Do" but it was all natural thought process as i approached the edge getting closer and closer

My feet came to a stop a few steps away
Was this really what its come to?
I wish i had lived a better life, but you can only play with cards you've been dealt

"Y/N!" A shout was heard behind me, i turn to see a familiar blonde stood behind me
"Y/n come back in, you don't want this"
He called out as he stared me in the eyes

"But I Do, If People Are Just Going To Leave Me, Then I'll Leave First" the car tires could be heard as the drove by, if only life was a dream like this
"No you don't Y/n, I won't leave you i know you think this is the only option but please come back in," he said pausing to catch his breath, as the air up here was thin

"Do you really want this?" He finished looking at me, he had a piercing stare as if he was trying to read my every movement
I mumbled 'No ' as tears built up in my eyes the cool air not helping

"Say it" He continued, still staring at me

"No, I don't want to die, i want to be here with you and my dad, i just don't know how to deal with it all I can't do it I physically can't Tsukki, so why? Why should i come back?"  I yelled back, hot tears streaming down my chilled cheeks at this point

"I can help you Y/n, your not alone, you don't have to do this alone, let me help you" he called out, opening his hand

I stared, cheeks tears stained as i just watched as i contemplated
"I....I don't want to, but what else can i really do?" I grabbed my hand bringing it close to my chest, my knees started shaking "You, Siana, All my friends, Dad....Everyone Leaves, I don't know why" My hands gripped my scalp

He took another step closer
"I know it seems helpless but they just weren't meant for you" he comes closer and closer, hands out

"Y/n please try, try one more time" his hand grabbed my shoulder pulling me close as his hand rested on the back of my head,
We just stood as the wind blew past

I wish i could say this was the one time life caved in
But I wouldn't lie, i mean how else would he have found me

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