Sakusa Kiyoomi ☁️ -N

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Title: Your the genius

Walking to the familiar gym doors, Sakusa and Komori had just walked out of, waving at them. "Hey there guys!"
"Hey L/n-san" Komori greeted.
Sakusa simply walked over and flopped over in a hug like manner wrapping his arms around me.
"Rough practice?"
Komori sinply nodded before taking his leave to get something in the locker-room.
When he returned we started heading home, Sakusa seemed tired so when we split off i stayed with Sakusa


"Ughhhhh Omi~" i whined at my boyfriend who was doing his own homework.
"What Y/n?" He sighed looking up at me, i moved cover to him "can you help me?" He shook his head "do it yourself your the genius" i pouted in the corner, fiddling with my fingers

"yeah but my brains fried, I can't think straight especially with my hot boyfriend here" whispering the last part i sit back at my paper finishing the last few problems on the sheet before i set it down. Contemplating doing the rest of my work now or later, deciding better do it know, completing my math, english, and science homework assignments.
Before i go Crawling over and laying my head on his lap, because that man has thighs.

"Omi im gonna rest, k? Either way night" he just nodded continuing his work even thought contact was still new in our relationship he was surprising calm when it came to resting. BUT BY GOD HIS THIGHS, like immaculate perfect pillows. I slept like a baby. Dreaming about futures with this man because i love him, even if he give a cold shoulder once and awhile. And absolutely refuses to let me touch him after i had contact with anyone ESPECIALLY that one blonde setter from Inarizaki.


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