Team Inarizaki ☁️ -N

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Title: Well Thats Umm...

Skip to 2:02 to understand where this is going before you read this.

Let them dress up, they said.
It would be fine, they said.

What a LIE

I mean if someone else had chosen the costume sure, BUT THE TWINS.
And here coach was standing starring at the team with deep regret, while i was trying not to laugh.

They dress up how they want but thats... how do i put it, a little to silly. The twins decided that they would go with a team costume, so why not charlie in the chocolate factory.
Kita was willy wonka, and the rest were oompa loompa's. Hell they even actually got Suna and Omimi dressed up.

"Tsumu... Samu...why? WHYYYY?" It was honestly hilarious but how are they gonna practice like that? The fact they even thought that this was a good idea was astonishing but then I remember their total IQ.

"Why not were ✨Fabulous✨"
I mean can't deny that fact they do be lookin fine, Silly but definitely fine.
I would never regret living this moment i mean they got KITA to dress up its to perfect


Just a silly little short not really romantic but yeah

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