Sugawara Koushi ☁️ -N

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Title: creativity

"Sugaaaaaa" i whined at my boyfriend who layed on my bed half asleep. Only getting a 'hm?' In response.
"I have writers block I can't think of anything" i ended the sentence with a huff
"Try writing random words just anything, then making a story off each"
that doesn't sound like a bad idea.

"I'll try but Thanks baby"
Following his exact steps i wrote down a bunch of words, starting with the first word


After about an hour of writing random little short stories with nothing coming to mind I finally gave,
"Babyyy~ do you wanna watch a movie?"

Seeing as it was raining we couldn't really do anything outside and going anywhere wasn't an option since we were to cozy.
"SuWe buw Wha?" He voice muffed by the pillow he was currently drowning himself in.
"How about a romance or comedy, sure there either cheesy or stupid but I don't feel like something scary right now" he nods his head grabbing a couple blankets off my bed, while we walk downstairs he goes to the livingroom to set up the blankets while i got an make popcorn.

"Ight now what should we watch?" We start schooling through the movies until we see a comedy with the title
'Don't Talk to Irene'
"How bout this one?" "Sure thing babe"
After we selected it we got cuddle up on the couch in our blankets an let the movie play out, it was really cringy but it gave me some inspiration.

"GREAT, now im inspired but i don't wanna leave its warm here"
"Then lets nap your story can wait tell later" my boyfriend snuggled closer into my neck, which let me smell all the blankets and him, it smelt like marshmallows and sugar.

"I could stay like this forever"
"Me to Sugar" my boyfriend says clearly drifting in and out of consciousness. I brush his bangs an i kiss his forehead, rubbing his cheeks with my hands. Getting a super sweet smile from him.
"Love you Koushi"
"Love you more sugar"
And with that we fell into a sleep

When we got up i grabbed my notebook.

Just short sweet sugawara fluff.
I recommend watching the movie don't talk to irene it is cringeworthy but its also kinda funny.

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