Kita Shinsuke ☁️ -N

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Title: couples Skate
(Idk why i feel like kita can ice skate)

Ice Skating. If you had to describe it to someone, how would you.
(Like actually how would you)

Some may say romantic,
While others may say is exciting or adventurous.
Some can say its painful, which is true cause falling on your butt on cold ice sucks.

My boyfriend, Kita, said we should go on another date and sense it was winter we decided to find a skating rink and go skate together.
So here we are standing on the ice in skates. Kita is doing perfectly fine, maybe volleyball helps with balance, and then we got me I'm not doing terrible but its not exactly good.

"Y/n" looking towards the white haired male "grab my hand" i did as he said and we started skating at a slow steady pace.
"Heh sorry Shinsuke" he shakes his head Smiling. Holding hands an gliding across ice, its kinda romantic.

"Shinsuke you seem kind of natural on ice?" Asking the boy as he put our hands in his pocket. "I don't know just comes natural"

"Can we have all couples on the ice, thats right its time for a couples skate"
(They mainly only do that at Rollerskating rinks but shhh)

"Shall we continue" he asked and continued skating, our hands in his pocket. All the couples were holding hands an skating around the rink.

"Its nice to be out with you again" he hummed in agreement, leaning towards me resting his head on my head the soft music making it seem romantic as we skated
"I love you Shinsuke" kissing his cheek as he looked towards me

"I love you more Y/n" pecking my lips before continuing skating. Until the last second we were gliding around on the ice
"Thanks for bringing me here"

Ice skating is fun until you fall then your butt hurts and its cold

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