Sugawara Koushi 🌧 -F

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Title: Anomaly
Request? No just random inspiration

Yooo I've edited this!

"Koushi, I'm bored" i threw another tissue on the ground

He sighed chuckling from the kitchen as he prepared soup"i know, your soups almost done" he peeked out
"Achoo- When you get out here you should Tell me a story" i sniffled clearing my throat as he made his way out with two bowls, he set them on the table as he glanced at me with a soft smile, checking my temperature

"Now where should i start" he said as i picked up my spoon, he looked at me taking a bite "oh i know"

"Long ago during a magic era, it was common fact that elves lived much longer than any other species
They age much different from other species, time for elves was just off, and hours felt like minutes

By the time a Young elf was aware, they learned that most different species they met would die before them and leave, so elves eventually became very homely in the solitude
Because of that they sometime became hostile
Deep into a lush green forest, through the twist and turns you'll find hidden there is a fountain flowing with crystal clear water, beautiful waterlily's floating around
There were ruins of a building clearly lost from the rest of the world as it was covering in vines almost in a pattern

A young boy creeped into the sanctuary, cautiusly looking around "Hey you there? What are you doing out here?" He asked the young girl whom sat a-top the fountain edge
"Hello?" He waved getting nervous at the lack of a response
"Who are you?" She asked hoping down from the edge
She crept closer, leaning and looking around the boy, investigating his looks

"Oh! I was simply wandering and got lost" he confessed

They stood face to face as they just looked at each other
The girl had s/c skin, bright e/c eyes, and h/l h/c messy hair, the boy had silver hair, pale skin and brown eyes
"Woah, your ears are cool" he pointed moving some fringes of hair to see the pointed ears
"Oh..uhm thank you" she looked down before making eye contact with the boy again "lets hang out tomorrow, ok?" He asked, and soon plans were arranged

The boy soon left and loneliness struct the elven girls heart
Every day after that day was filled with fun, joy, and laughter

The days consisted of walking through the forest, dangling their legs in the fountain, making flower crowns, trying to teach the boy how to play the flute
Every morning he would arrive and every night he would set out home ward, wherever that may be

And each time he said the same words
'Let's grow old together'
But as common fact shows, elves live way longer than humans, and age slower than humans. While they both had reached the age 17 only the human boy looked the part, while the elven girl looked no different
One disappointing day, The boy never arrived
The elf knew he was human and that he would die much sooner than her but the concept of death is still difficult to accept

The one thought that came to mind was the fact that the humans and gods were at war, the humans mad at the fact that out of all the species, they were given the short end of the stick seeing as they had no access to their own magic, and had the shortest life spans

And at this point it was either you were with the gods, or you were gone. Most of the elves sided with the gods
Much to the displeasure of the humans
There were few who decided they didn't want to help the gods to cause mass extinction on any species
Others stayed out of the topic and just stayed out of trouble

The fountain grew moss, the flowers wilted, and the water was no longer clear but a yucky murky green, the trees were dying, but soon the war came to an end
The world seemed so empty
All species were at a set back, the humans while still living were at dwindling numbers, as they tried rebuilding

"Hey?" A voice called out into the broken down sanctuary

The young boy no longer as young, he looked much more tired and battered up 'You have no right to step foot in here' the elf lashed out glaring at him
'I'm sorry' the elf cried as she sat
The boy stared on wards, what happened

There sat upon the edge of the fountain, a small stone sat
Its dim f/c color shimmered as it sat alone
It called out for the boy, not out loud but he was drawn to it

The closer he got, the more it set in

The decaying state of the garden, the unkept water, and a lack of life forms around 'why must you come back'
The boy looked all around even daring to open the ruins but nothing came up, no evidence their had ever been a girl there waiting now or ever
The sun set on the west edge as he made his way outside the forest, navigating the tall trees as they start to disperse
Entering a beautiful field, he collapses onto his knees
Slamming his fists on the ground, screaming

Elves live longer than humans,
So they have come to adapt to the idea of loss
They will surely live longer than any other species they meet and that is common fact

So why did she die before him?
What sick twisted game was played to end in this

A elf dying and causing a human to morn seems beyond unlikely, it wasn't a possibility and yet with all that the chance of it happening was never truly 0%

But sadly for them they drew into the unlucky hand"

Sugawara brushed my hair as my eyes fluttered, my vision tired, my bowl of soup now sitting empty as i lay chest up wrapped in a warm blanket

"Y/n we we're lucky enough to live in that lovely life, and I'll never forget this" he kissed my forehead as my vision finally gave in and my mind left to wander because sometimes

The sweetest of dreams start as the bitterest nightmares

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