Miya Atsumu ☁️ -F

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Title: All our days
Request? Nope <3

Falling in-love was a bad idea,
I always convinced myself that after my parents had gotten a divorce, that if i did fall in love i would surely get my heart broken. Of course i still had crushes but there was one rule

Never fall for a pretty boy

Their only trouble, i mean they have looks yes but most have rotten personalities, so why?
Why did i have to fall for Miya Atsumu?

I would never confess that to him, or anyone for that matter

He's one of the most popular boys at school, and being on the volleyball team means all the fangirls are at the games

I just want to watch my cousins match,
But I can't because the noisy girls who wouldn't know privacy or boundaries was if it bit them in their-
(The following words have been cut off by the Author for many reasons, we'll now return)
Bff/n sat next to me as we took up three front row seat, much to the other girls dismay

"Sorry i took so long to get here, thanks for saving me a seat"   Bff/n's partner sat by her as we sat forward, the teams being announced
I see my cousin, who is noticeably shorter than the rest of inarizaki's team "Hey look theres Akagi" Bff/n pointed out

Bff/n waved and called out trying to get his attention and to our surprise amogst the loud screams of fangirls he heard it
He looked over and up to us, smiling and giving a wave

The beginning of the game went smoothly,
Inarizaki in the lead 12 - 18 second set they won the first set but not by much, Atsumu soon came up to serve and his fangirls got ready to cheer
Quick fact, when you like someone you start to catch onto what they dislike and like

It was obvious to Everyone, that Atsumu hated when people cheered for him while serving and it's understandable, the excessive noise and stress can make you distracted causing to short or to long of a serve

"Do y'all ever shut up?" I mumble not intending for them to hear me,  luckily they didn't

Unlucky for me they bumped into me making me fall into my seat "AcK-" i blurt out as my back hit the hard surface "Can they be any less horny" Bff/n asked laughing as she looked at me "you ok?" She pat my back while glaring at the group of girls who paid no mind
I give her a thumbs up while rubbing my tail bone

"I don't understand how you can be so obsessive about someone, they act like they know everything about him"  i roll my eyes as i stood up leaning over the railing
"Now, now Y/n! You're not one to say that~" Bff/n teased giving me a smug face, she knew a certain someone peeked my interest

The game ended with inarizaki deemed the winner winning 2/3 sets, the crowd that flooded the bleachers filled out into the hallways cheering for the team, before it faded to loud chatter while everyone was pact in the hallway

Bff/n, her partner, and i tried to sneak out so we could catch Akagi when he left so there wouldn't be a crowd but The author had other plans
Once more one of the fans bumped into me causing me to stumble forward, Bff/n hand grazed my back but someone had caught my arms and i was pretty much face to knee with a totally stranger

I stood up properly, dusting the invisible dust off me as i sigh looking to who might have saved me preparing to say "Thank you- Oh" my face deadpans as i see Bff/n appear to my side her partner following in suit

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