Semi Eita ☁️ -F

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Title: Sketches of you

Im a big fan of a boy at our school, but thats a secret that no one will know.
Untying the back of my apron taking it off hanging it up. Grabbing my notebook and my F/d sitting in the same spot, like every other day.

Out in the garden area of the cafe, on a metal stool, with its matching table. Starring at the spot he always sat at opening up the sketch book, and starting on the familiar boy drinking his coffee specifically a Carmel macchiato for today.

Semi Eita, the pretty setter of Shiratorizawa, my classmate who probably doesn't even remember I exist cause I've haven't talked to him since about 2nd year of middle-school. Looking up to the setter our eyes make contact for the smallest second before my head drops down to my sketchbook, continuing the sketch.

When i look back up to the ash blonde he's gone, panicking cause the drawing wasn't completely done. Feeling a breath of air on my back "so... L/n-san why are you staring at me?" Turning my head nervously and chuckling.

"Just.....drawing.." he looks over my shoulder to the unfinished sketch "Wow that's actually really good, but L/n-san that doesn't explain the other days you were staring"
Shit how the hell am i going to explain that
"Uhhh-" he chuckled sitting across the table. "Do you draw me often?"

Nodding to his question looking down, my cheeks feeling like they were burning.
"Can i see them?" Holding out a hand on the table, I'm probably gonna regret this but i guess yolo. Handing him the book which was the one i brought everyday.
Checking the time "we'll have to hurry my lunch break is almost over.

He takes it and starts flipping through the pages, some filled with different times I've seen him, some in the cafe some from his game i watched. "Wow you got some of me in games" trying to snatch the notebook back "sorry it's probably really weird" he pulls it away "no, there really good"

"But L/n-San why did you decide to draw me?" Taking a sip of my drink thinking to myself why did i choose to draw him? Oh RIGHT!  Snapping my fingers then looking at the shocked male.

"The first conversation we ever had, back in middle school our assignment was to get to know your partner. And you told me you wanted to be in a band when you where older, i remember I responded that i wanted to support you with my art but after that school year we kinda stopped talking, and i started finding you in places and drawing you there, weird right?" Finally getting back the sketchbook before skimming the page he turned to, it was the first one i did in highschool. He was mid set but one of my friends from photography club got the photo.

"Nah, thats pretty nice to hear from the first person i told my dreams to.... i actually remember that conversation"

Flashback time you simps

"Hi their! Nice to meet you, my names Y/n L/n" a hyper young girl with soft H/c hair and bright E/c eyes shining as they looked at the ash blonde boy.
"Semi Eita, nice to meet you L/n-san" he shook the girls hand as she pulled the chair from infront his desk sitting on it infront of him. "Well were supposed to get to know eachother for the assignment, but I'm more intrigued on what you're dream is? I've seen you around the gym and the volleyball players, you wanna be a professional volleyball player?"  She excitedly questioned the boy who shook his head looking down nervously.

"No, I do Enjoy playing volleyball though! I can tell you if you promise not to tell anyone" he hushed  down as he spoke. "I promise! What is it? What is it?" She excitedly spoke almost scaring the poor boy who was nervous enough "well i wanna be......." he mumbled the last part, inaudible to the girl "what was that Semi-kun?"

"I wanna be a band member" stars seemed to shine in the e/c eyes of the girl "WOW! Thats so amazing and super cool!" His face flushed at her words. "Well i draw stuff, but then again i want to support you, hmmm Guess I'll have to support you through My drawings!" She put her hands on the boys desk seeming set on the decision

Flashback over no more baby Semi

"Yeah you were really energetic, kinda scared me a bit. But honestly I'm flattered" he looked at me, as i grab my stuff "well that's good..... i think" collecting all my stuff and pushing my chair in.

"We should keep in contact this time" he spoke getting up from his chair, walking towards me "hmmm how so?" Drinking the last bit of my f/d.
"Well when do you get off?" Thinking about my schedule  "about 3:25 so about an 2 hours an 10 minutes, why?" He chuckled grabbing my empty cup before taking his and mine to the garbage before returning.
"Let me walk you to your dorm"

Extra ending (Timeskip to walking to the dorms)
"thank you Semi-san" bowing but before i could turn around he asks "can we hm nevermind bye L/n-san see you at school" a little confused but continuing on my way up to my room greeting the other girls in the dorm.

Getting up to my room i turn to the page with the current drawing, to see small writing.
               'Lets go out sometime
                          Semi Eita'

Didn't know what to put for the number.

Any requests?

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