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Karls POV

Kylie got here with pizza around 8 pm. When I opened the door the only thing I could do at that moment was admire the way she looked. She had a white crop top and the same gray sweatpants I had, she looked so cute I just wanted to take her away and cuddle her for an infinite amount of time

I finally snapped out of it and let her in. She sat on my couch and I felt super lucky to be in her presence. She got super excited over the movie I picked out and I just stood there admiring how adorable she looked.

I finally sat down next to her as she handed me a piece of pizza. After the first song ended, I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers to be followed by her head on my shoulder.

About a quarter of the way in the movie, I noticed she had slight snores coming from her slightly opened mouth. I smiled at her cuteness and continued to watch the movie.

A little while later, she shifted herself on top of me, cuddling into my chest. My heart leaped a couple steps and I hugged her around her waist as i supported her on me.

When the movie finished, I carried her to my bedroom and covered her up with my comforter before returning to the living room to sleep on the couch. I smiled myself to sleep.

Kylies POV

I woke up around 3 am wondering where I was. This isn't my bed? My bed is less comfy than this one. Where the hell am I?

I finally came to a realization of where I was and looked around for Karl. I got up and left the room I was in and found my way down the stairs, only to find a sleeping Karl on the couch.

"Karl" i whispered, shaking him a tiny bit. I sat down near his stomach where there was a tiny bit of room left on the couch.

"Karl" I whispered louder than before. He groaned a bit before opening his eyes, smiling at me.

"Hey. what time is it?" He said in a low, sleepy voice. "3 am" I laughed lightly. He groaned and turned away from me.

"Karlllll I think I should go I didn't mean to fall asleep" I whined in a whisper. He lightly groaned and playfully pulled me down with him. I laughed with him and cuddled into his chest. We faced each other laying down on the couch together. He pulled his blanket over me before grabbing my face and giving my forehead a kiss. He moved one arm around my torso and another around my neck and hugged me close to him. We intertwined our legs and we felt closer to each other than we've ever felt before. I looked up at him and smiled at his gesture before laying my head on his arm and he moved his chin to be on top of my head.

"Karl I really should go" I smiled, smelling his neck that I was ever so close to, admiring the cologne he wore. It smelled faint, like it was wearing off, but it was still there and it smelled amazing. It smelled like him.

"No please just stay here with me okay? My roommates won't even be up until like 10" Karl whined, pulling me closer to his chest.

"Fine." I smiled, letting myself relax into his hold. I felt more comfortable in his arms than I've ever felt before. I felt safe, I felt wanted.

Karl fell asleep soon after that, and so did I.

9am that day

I woke up still in Karls arms, the same position we were in when I came to him at 3.

I smiled at his sleeping face before struggling to get out of his arms. He groaned and pulled me closer to him.

"One more hour" he whined into my neck. "Karl its 9 am we should get up" I laughed and messed with his bed head hair, trying my best to fix it up for him.

He groaned and let me go. I laughed before hitting his face lightly to get him to wake up. He smiled and we finally sat up.

"Do you want some breakfast?" He smiled sleepily walking into the kitchen. "Sure! What do you have" I say walking behind him.

"I can make pancakes? Or avocado toast" he smiled showing me what he has.

"Ooooo I'll have avocado toast" I smiled, sitting down at his table. He smiled and made a couple pieces for me and him. I pulled out my phone when another guy walks down the stairs. I looked over at him and he looked over at me looking very confused

"Oh Kylie this is Bailey, one of my roommates" Karl said.

"Hi! I'm Kylie, one of Karls friends" I smiled, walking over to greet him with a handshake.

"Hey" he smirked at me and Karl before returning my gesture. I laughed and sat back down where I was

Karl and I ate the avocado toast rather quickly. "Hey i should probably get going" i smiled at Karl.

"Oh alright! Hey the boys are coming over tomorrow night for a drink if you want to come? Maddy, Jimmy's girlfriend, and Katie, Chris's wife are coming too I believe" he smiled walking me to the door.

"Yea sure that sounds fun!" I said putting my shoes on. I hugged him tightly before leaving his humble abode.

I smiled to myself thinking of the events that happened, but also over thinking the thought of if this was going a little fast. I mean it's been almost two weeks since I met Karl but I mean we've already had a sleepover together. It was on accident but I couldn't help wondering if it was a little too fast.

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