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I drop my phone immediately and cover my face in my hands. I couldn't believe it.

"Alright guys I'm sorry to end the stream early." I gave my goodbye hug and raided sapnap as he was playing monopoly and i got my shoes on to head to the hospital kylie was staying at.

That's when i remembered. im dating corinna.

i dragged myself back to my couch and took my shoes off, completely unspoken at what i was supposed to do.

i sat on the couch and curled into a ball, completely crying my eyes out. i lost it. id been dating corinna for 2 months now, and everything was great and all but almost the entire time id be with her i would have a horrible feeling at the bottom of my gut that id betrayed kylie.

i fell asleep on the couch, consumed completely by my thoughts.

Clarissas POV 1st person

Just as I had predicted, I had checked my messages to find a "read 7:06 pm" at the bottom of mine and Karls messages. I'm not sure why he was like this, he fell hard for
Kylie I remember him telling me that when I first met him at the hospital.

Kylie returned from the scans about 2 hours later looking extremely exhausted in her wheelchair. I looked at her in awe. I can't believe she's finally awake.

"Everything looks normal, of course there's the occasional mishap due to being in a come for so long, but nothing a few medications wouldn't be able to fix. She's going to need to stay here about another month to get in her physical therapy, but after that, she's free to go home" the doctors smiled at me giving me the best news I could've ever received that year. She's going to be okay and I get to take her home.

Kylies POV 1st person

The doctors dropped my off in my room an hour ago. Clarissa and I were silently watching the movie on the tv when I noticed Karl hadn't come to see me at all.

I decided to place that thought to the back of my head and drifted off to sleep listening to the light volume of the movie.

I woke up bright and early this morning. I wanted to get up and walk around so bad but I couldn't do it. It's so hard for me to believe that I'm basically paralyzed until further notice. I mean I've been asleep for 9 months.

I wonder what I missed out on? Did iPhone come out with iPhone 12? Is there any news about the Jonas brothers getting back together? What new movies are there?

I skimmed through the many questions that I had in my brain when I realized I could just look through the Internet.

"Clarissa" I whisper yelled to wake her up. She groaned and looked at me with a smile.

"Can I have my phone?" I asked politely.

"I don't think that's a good idea right now Kylie" she frowned.

"Why? I just want to check what I missed these past 9 months" I pleaded. She agreed and handed me my phone.

"I've got to go to work now. I'll be back as soon as I'm able to." She gave me a kiss on the forehead as i nodded, scrolling through all of my social medias.

I missed a lot

The dream SMP crew became hugely popular amongst the Minecraft community.

MrBeast made a bunch of channels to raise a bunch of money for charities, and I had also noticed they got a new photographer. I wonder if they know I'm awake?

I shoot a text to Jimmy.


I presume you knew I've been in a coma
for 9 months or something. I'm awake!
now come visit me with the boys before I lose
my brain... again ;)
9:47 am

COMA; Karl Jacobs x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now