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Just to be clear, reader / you is now gone. it was a one chapter thing HOWEVER please let me know if you want more chapters like that!!!!

i pushed karol to the side and couldn't believe what i saw with my eyes.

"karl?" i studied him, noticing his puffy red eyes, swollen cheeks, messy hair, chipped fingernails which usually he'd never let himself wear, his usual fashion sense seemed to disappear. he looked miserable.

"kylie please just let me talk to you" karl pleaded, gesturing for me to walk out into the hallways with him. i did as such and closed the door behind me, hoping karol would respect that i needed some privacy with him. i assume she understood as i heard her footsteps walk away from the door.

"jimmy told me-" before he could finish, i couldnt help myself from bringing him into a hug. i absolutely hated seeing him this way, it hurt me to see what he once did to me is something i'm now doing to him. i don't want him to go through that type of pain, ever.

karl was confused at my sudden affection after the incident but didn't hesitate for one second to hug my back. he wrapped his arms as tightly as he could around my torso and squeezed so tightly i was barely in the midst of breathing, but i didn't mind.

my oversized hoodie tugged up a bit with his tight squeeze and the trimmings of the nike pros i had on surface through the fabric. i stood on my tippy toes to be able to reach my arms entirely around his neck and i had put one of my hands through his hair, brushing out the small knots that confided in the fluffiness.

karl sighed, burrowing his head deeper into my neck than before. "i'm so sorry." he whispered. i heard the whimper in his voice signaling to me that he was beginning to cry, which caused me to tear up. i stepped closer toward him on my tippy toes in attempts to squeeze our bodies tighter against each other as i rubbed the back of his head gently, trying to get him to calm down and reach out of his sobbing.

it'd been about a minute before he calmed down as a couple tears left my eyes. id never seen karl cry before. this was a new sight and i wish i never saw it, it's too heartbreaking.

"it's okay" i whispered. i felt him smile onto the skin of my neck and he squeezed me even tighter, lifting
me up off of the ground making me squeal.

karl let me out of his grip soon after setting me back on the ground, causing me to groan from the loss of contact. he smiled as i cupped his cheeks with my small hands and wiped his tears with the palms of my thumbs. he leaned his face into my left hand as my right slid down to his neck and around to the back of his head. i smiled at his genuine reaction before pulling away.

karl took my hands, squeezing them in his grip before sniffling and starting his speech. "kylie... you know everything i said to you back at your apartment was untrue? i was so mad at the situation and blew up at you in the moment and i know that's no way to excuse my behavior but i want to promise you i'm trying so hard
to fix myself. i've been texting an anger management therapist."

i nodded and smiled, happy to hear he was taking responsibility.

"and i know you dont want to be with me right now i do. but when jimmy told me you're moving back here, i stopped everything i was doing, got in my car, and drove. i didn't stop driving until i got to you." karl squeezed my hands again and looked down at them as he rubbed his thumbs against the top of my knuckles, sniffling.

"how did you know where karol lived?" i asked, genuinely curious as to how he even got here.

"jimmy. he told me you've been updating him on where you are, your plans for moving back and coming back to vogue. look. i know you can't forgive me yet and we can't go back exactly to how things were, but i want you to stay in north carolina."

i shook my head looking down and removing my hands
from his as i started to pick my nails.

"karl please don't do this to me. the opportunity they're giving me is one in a lifetime and if jimmy told you everything, then you know that." i replied, keeping my focus on my hands.

karl swiftly grabbed my hands again and pushed my head up by my chin. "kylie. i want you to stay in north carolina. listen, what we have is not just some fling okay? i didn't tell you i'm in love with you to get in your pants. you know me, you know those aren't and never will be my intentions. even if it won't be right now, i want you to stay so we can work on us. i know it's such a big dilemma to question staying in a state just for a boy when you could be in the big apple working your dream job, but i'm seriously begging you." karl started tearing up, keeping his grip on my hands tighter than ever. "i need you kylie i can't lose you" he whispered, looking down to our interlocked hands and dragging his thumbs atop of mine.

i looked into his eyes and realized it as well.

i needed karl.

i cant lose him, not like this.

i don't think i'd be able to forgive myself if i left karl like that, especially after his speech.

but it's vogue.. top photographer for VOGUE magazine..

but karl is so much better

i'm staying. i cant leave him. i cant be without him.

i love him.

"ok" i whispered, staring down at our hands as he was.

"what?" he whispered, grinning slightly.

"i said ok.. dumbfuck" i sarcastically issued out into his ears, both of us smiling like crazy children at an amusement park.

karl picked me up from where i was standing and spun us around. we laughed immensely through the hallway, feeling joy in being able to work on our relationship. we were excited to say the least, but more importantly,

our relationship isn't completely doomed.

1088 words


i promise the next chapter will NOT be a filler. pinky promise HAHA


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