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𝐻𝑒𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦 ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 😏😏😏

(ง'̀-'́)ง𝐻𝑒𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦 ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 😏😏😏

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Karls POV

I woke up in the same chair I sat down in the night before. I reviewed my surroundings and found an unconscious Kylie in the depths of her coma.

"Goodmorning beautiful. Please wake up soon" I let out a couple tears before rubbing her hand gently. I couldn't help but notice that her locket wasn't around her neck.

I panicked. That's her most prized possession, she seeks it for comfort and is what she has left of her mom.

I looked at the stands, nothing. I looked in the drawers frantically and found it, open, laying in the drawer beside her. I held it in my hand, staring at the photos of her parents, and her as a baby. I carefully closed it and held it in my hand until I had a safe place to put it.

I kissed her forehead gently before deciding to go home and take care of myself. I hadn't eaten in over 24 hours.

I miss her voice. Her laugh, her skin, her warmth. Her hugs, her hair, her eyes. I miss her so much and I can't even imagine needing to go to work everyday without her being there. I don't want to have to imagine it, let alone live through it.

Why does god work in these ways? Why take away her life for god knows how long. Why do that to an innocent a loving girl who had so much ahead of her. It really just isn't fair.

I got home from the hospital, immediately wanting to just lay down and sleep. I refrained from it and showered a warm shower, put on some sweats, and grabbed a bite to eat. After I had fully taken care of my needs, I decided I would take a quick nap before heading back to the hospital.

Jimmy's POV 3rd person

Jimmy decided not too long ago that he would go visit Kylie, hoping to forgive himself.

Not only does he blame himself, but he can't imagine the fault he would feel if she had died. He wonders how she would react to him being there when she had awaken. Would she hate him? Would she want to hurt him back? He wouldn't blame her if she thought those things.

He quickly got dressed after waking up and headed out to the hospital where he sincerely hoped to find forgiveness from a restless body that Kylie was trapped in.

He had arrived 10 minutes after leaving his home to be greeted by the receptionist at the hospital she was staying at.

"Hey, I'm here to see Kylie Bear?" Jimmy retorted to the kind looking lady, hoping to seek directions to her room.

"Room 25C, I was told to tell her visitors to be extremely careful with her." She smiled at Jimmy before he nodded and left for her room.

He had arrived at 25C but couldn't bring himself to go in yet. He stood in front of the door, staring at it like an idiot. He wanted to go in badly, but was afraid he would break down to see her. Her fragile body, laying restlessly on the hospital bed, where she could be for years.

Jimmy did his research on comas all night last night. He had found out that the longest someone had been in a coma and had awaken from it was 19 ENTIRE years. This made his heart drop, hoping this wouldn't happen to Kylie.

He finally brought up the courage to go inside when he heard someone quietly call his name.

"Hey Karl. I've come to see Kylie if that's alright" Jimmy looked at Karl with a sympathetic expression, for some reason waiting for his approval.

"I have too. They allow two visitors now? The receptionist let me right in." Karl looked confused as he reached me at the door.

"I guess so. We just have to be careful, talk quietly and all of that." Karl smiled at Jimmy as they both walked in.

Jimmy stared at her restless body, wanting to hug her in his apology. He felt he had fucked up this bad and felt the need to do something big for her, even if he wasn't sure what that big thing could be.

"Hey Kylie. Still not positive if you can hear us, but Jimmy's here" Karl reached for her hand and glided his fingers across the back of her palms, hoping for a reaction. His hopes were declined, as he sat down on the chair next to her bed.

"Hey Kylie. I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for this, maybe I should go." Jimmy hesitantly retorted, wanting to leave the room in worries of her despised opinion of Jimmy.

"Jimmy you can't blame yourself for this. Just like Chris said last night, you had no clue this'd happen. This is not your fault. Don't blame yourself for something you weren't at hands of. Be fair to yourself." Karl hugged Jimmy as he spoke to him, hoping to make him feel better.

Jimmy just nodded, holding back his urge of crying.

"Please forgive me" Jimmy whispered after he had walked over to Kylie. Karl frowned as he sat back down on his chair.

"You gonna be here all day?" Jimmy asked.

"Yes. I won't leave unless it's to eat, and I will be here every single day until she wakes up." Karl retorted blankly, staring nowhere but kylies face.

"That's okay karl take the time you need. You can be excused from work till then. Heal yourself." Jimmy stated walking for the door.

Karl nodded, still staring at nothing but her.

Narrator 3rd person

Karl kept his word, leaving the hospital each day to take care of himself but driving himself right back.

He accompanied a few of her friends as they visited her, as well as the beast crew. He watched the flowers arrive and stay alive as long as he could keep them. He watered them and allowed them sunlight as much as directed from the internet, hoping for Kylie to wake up in the smell of some of her favorite scents from her favorite flowers

Karl kept a daily grind, leaving each night at 6 to shower, eat, and take a small nap before driving back to the hospital to stay with her for as long as he possibly could.

This kept along for a few weeks, until Jimmy needed him back at work.

Karl was frustrated at their sudden hiring of a new videographer, taking kylies job

"Jimmy a word" Karl looked at him, anger peeping from his eyes.

Jimmy and Karl walked to a nearby hallway, somewhere they could talk in private.

"You've already hired someone new? You have tareq!" Karl exclaimed, louder than he wanted to.

"Karl its time we move on. We have no idea how long she's going to be in that coma." Karl reached his peek of anger as he heard Jimmy's words, wanting to slap him.

"You can't.. you.. why can't.." Karl repeatedly and frustratingly tried to find the right words.

"Karl she's been in that coma for 3 and a half weeks now. I still blame myself, I still haven't forgiven myself. But Benny is just for right now. I had told him days before even his interview that when Kylie wakes up, we won't be needing him anymore." Jimmy blurted. Karl loosened his grip on his knuckles, smiling at Jimmy apologetically.

"I'm sorry Jimmy. Just kind of frustrated with the world right now. Why Kylie?" Karl felt his eyes fill with water to the brims of his lids, looking down from Jimmy to hide his emotions.

"Karl she's going to wake up soon. You're going to hear her voice, you're going to see her eyes. Just be patient." Jimmy comforted Karl, trying to cheer him up.

"Come on. I have a fun video planned." Jimmy walked away, allowing Karl to review himself and cope for his emotions.

Today would be a long day for Karl.

COMA; Karl Jacobs x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now