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we're not number 2 in mrbeast anymore 🧍🏼‍♀️ at least were #23 in swag 😗

"karol please you have to understand that what i have with karl is so important to me!" i pleaded my best friend to understand why i wouldn't be staying anymore.

"kylie you were literally balling your eyes out less than an HOUR AGO over him! you're doing it again you're letting him in way too fast!" she almost yelled back, causing my anger issues to spiral. karl sat in the living room, feeling more awkward by the minute as he could hear everything going on.

"KAROL IM CAPABLE OF MAKING MY OWN FUCKING DECISIONS! IM 22 YEARS OLD I KNOW WHAT IM DOING!" i yelled back, slamming my hands against the counter. "you know what, honestly, i never thought i'd ever have a conversation with my BEST and ONLY friend i could trust completely about them completely disregarding my feelings and not supporting me. call me when you get the stick out of your ass." i gave karol one more look and walked away before she could even open her mouth.

"come on" i looked at karls apologetic face as he stood up at the sight of me. we walked out together, not saying one word until we got into the parking lot.

i stopped in my tracks. karl was confused, as he was behind me.

"i don't know where you parked" i said, still unable to make any type of eye contact with him.

"it's just over there" he pointed to the corner of the parking lot. i nodded and wiped the small tear forming in my eyes and started my way over there. before i could pass karl, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

karl looked at my glossy eyes and cupped my cheeks with the both off his hands, wiping my eyes gently.

"she'll come around." he whispered. i nodded and loosened from his grip as i walked toward the car.

the ride was silent. i sat in the passenger seat, staring out of the window and picking at my nails, looking over at karls free hand every now and then.

it rested on the middle console, free to hold. i wanted to take his hand so bad but i was afraid. what if he took it away from me? i cant imagine the embarrassment and i didn't want it right now.

i decided i had nothing to lose and rested my small hand on his arm just above his wrist and fiddled with the fabric of his hoodie.

karl looked down at my hand as i played with his hoodie sleeve and turned his arm around so the palm of his hand was facing up. i looked over at him and gave him a weak smile.

instead of interlocking our fingers, i felt more comfort in fidgeting with his fingers. i slid my fingers around his palm ever so slightly, causing him to fidget his fingers once in a while when i hit a spot that would tickle him.

i took his hand by his fingers and pulled them more toward me and fidgeted with his fingers and rings. karl looked at me for a little longer than i thought.

i looked over at him and noticed he was smiling at me like i was a puppy. "hi" i smiled, removing one of his chunky rings on his finger and putting it back on.

"hi" he whispered back. he lifted his hand and took my chin in his hand and rubbed it for a few seconds before returning his hand to mine, allowing me to fidget more until i was able to fall asleep holding his hand.

karl and i drove all the way back to nc. me and him packing my stuff in the car is what set off the argument between karol and i.

"hey we're here" karl squeezed my hand and whispered, attempting to wake me up. i sighed and went to get out of the car when karl stopped me.

"that's my job and you know it" he smiled, leaving and running to my side of the car. i popped the trunk as he was on his way over and smiled at him when he opened my door.

i stood up, immediately falling into karls arms due to how tired i was. karl subconsciously grabbed the back of my thighs and pushed my up so he was carrying me, and made his way inside. i laid my head on his shoulder and kept my arms around his neck as he made his way to his bed.

he laid my almost restless body onto his bed and kissed my forehead. "i'll be right back with your stuff" he whispered. i nodded and burried my face in his fluffy pillow and tried my best not to fall asleep.

karl walked in with my stuff and dropped the bags by his bed before pulling me up to my feet. "let's get into more comfortable clothes and brush our teeth okay?" he said. i groaned and pointed at the bed before turning back around and laying my head on his shoulder.

"come on we'll be quick" he said. i groaned again but went to my suitcase searching for some clothes and my bathroom necessities. karl threw me one of his corpse hoodies as i had found a pair of boxers to wear to bed and i smiled at his cute gesture of 'hey, wear my hoodie'

i changed quickly as he was in the bathroom and walked in to start brushing my teeth along with him. he hummed a high school musical song as i tried my best to keep my eyes open.

i felt like i was truly about to fall asleep brushing my teeth until i heard a loud dolphin laugh.

"shut up karl i'm so tired" i laughed with him , making it easier to keep my eyes open. we finished brushing our teeth and i rushed to his bed, getting comfortably under the covers. karl laughed before going to leave the room.

"where the fuck are you going karl" i said, still burying my face in his pillow.

"to the couch? to sleep?" he said, wondering why i hadn't known what he was doinng.

"fuck you get in the bed right now dumbfuck" i said, still yet to break the contact of my face in his pillow.

"wow" he scoff laughed, coming back to the bed i was laying in.

he got in the bed and asked his alexa dot to turn the lights off. i scooched to give him some room and i felt his leg brush against mine. i playfully kicked him as he laughed, scooching away to give himself some room as well.

1129 words

umm pls don't kill me but here's another filler.. 😐 i'm so sorry BAHAH i just needed to post before the BIG chapter k? cause it's gonna take me a bit to write it so i want to give u guys something. anyways:


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