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The entire drive home was quiet. I sat in my car, almost unconsciously driving as if it was just a normal sense to feel like you're driving but still feeling numb inside. There was no music, there was no crying. I just felt... numb.

I got home and immediately tried to get some sleep. I had gotten no sleep for over 24 hours and yet I wasn't close to being tired. I felt groggy, sure. But I couldn't bring myself to actually sleeping.

I laid in my bed for what felt like hours on end just staring at the ceiling. I heard a million voices and a million different thoughts at once, wondering how I'd be able to see Karl at work from here on out.

I felt stupid. Why was I feeling this way about him? I mean I really liked him for sure but it's not like he did me any wrong? I mean yea he could have waited but what human in the right mind would wait for someone for 10 months when they weren't even dating them.

The thought lingered in my mind of how to waste time since I wouldn't be getting any sleep. I could watch the office, but I felt like I needed to get up and move.

I went into the bathroom and re applied my concealer to feel better about myself. I looked into the mirror trying to admire all of the little features about myself. My brown eyes, my long curly lashes, my button nose, my clear skin. It was almost as if I was the perfect shape and appearance, yet I still looked at myself in a disgust.

I thought about just giving myself some curtain bangs for a small change in style. I'd always had long hair, ever since I was 4 or 5, and had never cut it to my shoulders before. I'd always just had it trimmed.

I thought about if I would even look good with short hair, but I just did it. I mean what's the harm? I have an uneven cut? I have a hair stylist thatd fix it no problem. I grabbed my scissor and started nawing at my thick hair trying to get it to the length I wanted.

I finally got it to my shoulders, and decided to try and layer my hair like they would at a salon. I surprisingly felt good about it. I felt the short hair suited me, but I wasn't too sure.

Liked by MrBeast, chandlerhallow, and 68,048 othersKyliebear_: I cut my hair 🧍🏼‍♀️ not sure if I look good or not but hey, it is what it is

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Liked by MrBeast, chandlerhallow, and 68,048 others
Kyliebear_: I cut my hair 🧍🏼‍♀️ not sure if I look good or not but hey, it is what it is.

emmyjemmy: oh please girl you look absolutely stunning.
Kyliebear_: thank you hottie ;)
MrBeast: short hair suits you!!
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I reviewed my Instagram post and shortly after realizing my eyes were extremely puffy making it noticeable that I'd been crying, I had noticed Karl had stopped liking my posts. He stopped liking my tweets, my Instagram posts, he even stopped viewing my private story on Snapchat. I searched through my Instagram followers and searched his username only to notice he had unfollowed me. I looked at my private story viewers and saw he left my private story.

My heart sank. I knew he had a girlfriend and all but I really didn't think it would stop him from being my friend.

I quickly looked through some of my requested dms and responded to fans messages to pass some time when I noticed a dm from corinna from about 2 hours ago.

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