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I finally get to leave the hospital today, I was more than excited.

"Okay here's your medications. Pain killers for any pain, take accordingly to the directions. There's some other stuff to simplify your brain activity and also try to stay away from too much screen time." Dr. Regans handed me my little bag of the medications and a paper that told me when to take them. I smiled warmly at him and gave him a quick hug.

"Thank you for taking care of me." I smiled into his embrace and packed the meds into my suitcase. I smiled as I watched Clarissa walk into my room from taking my last box to her car. I only had a couple boxes, there wasn't much here.

"Ready?" She asked. I smiled intently and grabbed my suitcase.

As we walked the depths of the hospital, all doctors had lined up and cheered as we walked in the middle of their make-up hallway ending. They called this "The end of an era" as I was their first coma patient at their hospital. I smiled warmly at all the cheers and sweet nothings they all shouted, feeling myself tear up.

I got to the end of the line as looked back at them. I brought my hand to my heart and screamed a quick 'thank you for everything' to them before I left to the outside world.

I was immediately taken back by the brightness of the sun. I put my hoodie over my head and ran to Clarissa's car to get away from the reaching ache the brightness gave me to my head.

"You okay?" Clarissa asked as she turned on her car.

"More than okay." I smiled excitedly, waiting to finally go home.

I scrolled through my Instagram, only to be saddened by another post from corinna. She was sat on top of Karls lap basically in nothing but underwear.

I turned my phone off and stared out the window, hoping to hold in my tears. I'd sadly failed.

"Kylie I know it's hard right now but you're going to come to realize that you're too good for him. You don't need him okay? Lighten up babes." Clarissa rubbed my shoulder in hopes to calm me down.

"I can't believe I've cried over that man every night at the hospital. I mean I never thought I'd ever cry over someone for that many days in a row" i laughed at myself trying to lighten the mood.

"We all go through it but you know what, it all will get better. When do you go back to work?" Clarissa changed the subject to get my mind off of Karl.

"Two weeks. Jimmy gave the new camera guy a two weeks notice. I felt so bad but I guess he knew he would have to leave once I had woken up." I smiled at Clarissa.

She stopped at a nearby Starbucks on the way to the house. It was the Starbucks me and Karl were at when I gave him his gloves back.

We walked in for a few minutes to grab a couple coffees. I turned around to leave while Clarissa was paying, only to be met by the eyes of Karl and Corinna. I turned around immediately and hid myself from their site.

"Kylie?" I heard Karl call my name. I quickly wiped my small tears and turned around smiling.

"Hey" I waved to them. I didn't know what to do.

I looked down and saw their hands were interlocked, my smile immediately faded. I stared down at my knuckles when i realized Karl slipped his hand out of Corinna's. I only assumed he noticed my expression.

"Hey uh, give us a minute k? I'll meet you at our table" he smiled down at her. I felt like throwing up, I couldn't handle seeing him with someone else. I didn't know I was actually this hung up on him until I saw him just now.

"Can we talk? Please?" Karl took a step closer to me. I saw Clarissa had gone to the car to wait for me, knowing I would've asked her to anyways.

I stepped back from Karl as he got closer, hoping to get across to him that he betrayed my trust.

"Kylie please"

I looked up at him with noticeable teary eyes. I half smiled and shrugged as a couple flew down the depths of my cheeks. I looked back down immediately and wiped my tears.

"I have to go" My voice cracked as I steered my eyes clear of his and walked out of the Starbucks, tears streaming down my face like never before. I ran to the car and immediately placed my drink in the cup holder and held my head in my hands. I bawled my eyes out, wondering what was so wrong with me for him to move on so quickly. At that moment I felt like I'd never be able to get over my feelings for him.

"Kylie it's going to get better. I can only promise you that whether you believe me right now or not." Clarissa started the car and drove off. I knew at some point I'd need to talk to him, seeing as we work together, but right now I wasn't ready. I wanted to wait until I absolutely had to talk to him, a time where I had no choice but to suck it up and sit through an hour or two of him explaining to me something that didn't need explaining. I couldn't tell myself more that we weren't even dating.

COMA; Karl Jacobs x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now