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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Karls POV 3rd person

Time skip 1 month

In a couple days, Kylie will have been in a coma for 2 months. Karl still feels so empty without her but I slowly coming to a conclusion that she will wake up, just not right now.

She's moving along the process of being in a coma far slower than usual. She still hasn't entered phase two, which is slight responsiveness to her surroundings. For example, moving her eyes to the sound or movement (only seen through the eyelids), slightly squeezing of the hand when told to, etc.

Karl has slowly stopped seeing Kylie everyday, wondering if he was wronging her for not going each day. He's grown tired and restless if he did go everyday. He cut it down to twice a week, bringing her flowers each time.

As he was there, he talked to her each day. Hoping she would never forget his voice. He took care of the flowers on her night stand, and slowly started to decorate her room to her standards.

Kylie was transferred to an inpatient care hospital two weeks ago, meaning she is admitted into the hospital to basically live there until she is healthy and normal. They decided this about a month ago, seeing as when she wakes up she's going to need help from her doctors to learn her basics all over again. Walking, talking, moving, and breathing on her own.

Karl has brought pictures of her and her friends to tape on her walls, flowers, picture frames for her nightstand, and even took an entire day to decorate her room with fairy lights and other diy projects he took time out for doing. He wanted her to feel safe when she woke up.

Today, Karl decided to see Kylie again. Even though he had already seen her twice this week, he just missed being with her.

He brought himself some McDonald's chicken nuggets and a cold dr. Pepper. He refrained from the Oreo milkshake, for the sake of having one each day before then.

When he arrived, he walked in to her doctor examining her in the room. He greeted Dr. Regans, growing seemingly close to him the past two months, starting a sure but medical related friendship.

"How is she today?" Karl asked the doctor, watching him adjust her legs and arms to refrain from sores due to not moving for a long period of time. He saw that he had also adjusted her feeding bag to the other side of her bed and thanked him internally seeing as the side it was on would sometimes block Karls view of her face as he sat in his designated chair.

As he walked closer, he noticed her eyes were wide open. He dropped his McDonald's bag and walked over to the head of her bed, examining her eyes as closely as he was allowed to.

The view of her beautiful hazel eyes reflected into his mind at a million miles per hour, watching intently at the sparkle shown just below her eye lid.

"Is she awake?!" Karl called out excitedly.

Dr. Regans frowned, disappointed in himself for what he had to tell him.

"She's still unconscious, but has gone into a vegetative state. This means she may make movements such as opening of the eyes, yawning, smiling, seeming like she is awake but she will be completely unaware of the environment around her." The doctor states.

Karl couldn't help his smile. Even if she was still unconscious and in a coma, she was progressing.

"The movements she may make will not be voluntary, meaning she might react to something but that will be just her brain giving her body directions, rather than her conscious mind. In other words, Kylie is slowly but surely progressing." The doctor smiled at my expression.

Karls POV 1st person

I couldn't believe it. I wasn't too sure what all of it meant but the doctor explained it pretty well to me. All I could seem to make out of it was that she was progressing.

"Can she hear me?" I asked, hoping for a response that will make me want to come back every day just to talk to her.

"Unfortunately, she cannot. Keep in mind that talking to her is still the best solution to this. Not only does it calm you, but when you talk to her, she won't be as startled to your voice when she does wake up. I'd also like to add that she also may make noises, including moans or grunts. That's nothing to be startled about, it's normal. She also may react to any type of pain through flinching of sorts. However, don't worry too much if that happens. We're not exactly sure if those in the vegetative state are able to even feel pain." The doctor smiled at me before he left the room.

I frowned slightly after knowing she still can't hear me, but immediately changed my expression after thinking about her state again.

She's progressing.

I quickly text her aunt, letting her know the news. As well as the beast gc, letting Jimmy, Chris, chandler, Tyler, and tareq know the news. I grabbed my McDonald's bag off of the floor opening it up to devour my chicken nuggets as I sat next to her.

I felt more at peace.  More conscious with my surroundings. She's gonna be back soon I know it.

COMA; Karl Jacobs x Female Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن