1. The Blurb

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"There's an Airbnb for everyone but we have a place you can call 'your own'.
Away from hustle and bustle
Just you and your crossword puzzle
A fireplace and free Spotify to shuffle
Single or couple just enjoy the weather and nuzzle."

I read the advertisement for my mother and she approved it.

Thank God!

"Now, I am trusting you with uploading some good pictures and posting them with imaginative captions." My mom had so much faith in me.

I sighed.

"I am a commerce student mom, not a literature creative creature. I can't write flowery captions." It was true. I could tally balance sheets not compose literary treats.

"I am the wildflower with a delicate scent.
I am a vintage soul with a heart of gold."
My mom read a few captions and I bit my lower lip. Who taught these oldies to use Instagram? As if, stalking on Facebook wasn't enough. I made a mental note of making my account private, from today.

"Pri, you know you have to do this every year, still you don't do it without putting up an argument or fussing about it. It's such a good source of income for us. The profit via Airbnb is way higher than our motel business. Your father and I work day and night to satisfy the needs of our customers. I do all the duties from the receptionist to the housekeeping, to kitchen assistance. Your father has started with the additional service of a tourist guide and at times he doesn't come back for two-three days. We do all this for you. You are our only child..."

"Who will get all this after us? It's you," I had kept the receiver down and mimicked my mother. She had been saying the same dialogue for years now. With a slight change here and there. The motive and meaning remained the same. Whether I liked it or not, I had to handle guests on the top floor of our little house.

"Fine! Mom! I will upload good pictures with aesthetically written captions. It will be occupied before the summer start. Bye." I kept the receiver down and let out a frustrated scream. Before I could sulk more on my situation my phone rang and I made all weird faces before picking it up.

"Hey Pri, what's up?" Misha, the queen bee of my college, asked me.

"Nothings up! My life sucks and I just can't do anything about it." I wanted to answer her but I put my normal tone and replied, "Hey Misha. Nothing much, you tell me."

"So, to change your answer from 'nothing' to 'a lot', I have planned a party near the woods. Just some of us. Let's enjoy the last of snow that is left." Misha waited for my answer.
She was a popular girl but she wasn't a typical one. She was good, caring and absolutely not the mean and selfish kind. We had been friends since I secured great marks in my twelfth and got admitted to the best college in our city. I was one of her bees initially and was ready to be her hand. But, she didn't treat me that way. I was special to her. One major reason was my neighbour and friend, Uday. I knew she had a crush on him. I did try to set them up quite a few times but Uday seemed uninterested. Stupid boy. Misha was a package. Beautiful girl with a good heart, amazing sense of style and so friendly.

"Hello... Pri? You there?" Misha inquired and I let out a small laugh. Have I told you, how often I zone out?

"Misha, is 'no' an option?" I asked her. My mood was bad and I was in no mood to go out to and cheer me up.

"No, it isn't. You have to come. I will ask Uday to pick you up. Before you give any more reasons, you owe me one, remember?"

Yeah, I did kind of 'owed' her one, in her language. Sure, we were commerce students but you don't keep accounts all the time. I sighed and agreed, "Okay, Misha. I will be ready."
She squealed in happiness. We were not even best friends and her display of affection towards me was overwhelming at times.

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