4. The sexy chauffeur

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Has life ever worked as planned?
Either the plan was not concrete or your efforts were incomplete.

I was sitting in a bus with my eyes closed and hands clasped. I took a deep breath to calm myself and then smiled. Trying to identify the route, I was enjoying the bus ride in the dark. In a few hours, I will be out of Mussoorie leaving this life behind. Even if it was for a short duration, I decided I will make most of it.
Opening the Prada bag Chaya gave me, I took out her mobile phone which had all the important notes I was supposed to remember. Her parents, her guards, friends, enemies (read: high society morons) and some other important people. All the faces spoke of their high status. There was something about the rich, they grabbed attention even in still pictures.
I closed my eyes and started memorizing the information Chaya gave me. It was too much but I had to use my brain and cram. No mistake was acceptable. Plus the royal mannerisms. Suddenly, I felt nervous. I was a middle-class girl who had no idea about them. The phone in my hand rang and I picked it up in one ring.

"Nervous?" I was asked.

"Don't even ask," I replied putting my head on the headrest.

"I can understand. I live the life which is giving you jitters with just it's imagination. Relax and remember, confidence is the key. Even if you make a mistake and you know it, make it look like it's fine or it's not your fault. Pri, thank you and all the best."

Chaya kept the phone down and I whipped the tears brimming in my eyes. All my life I have been blamed for faults that were not mine and I had to owe because that would mean the end of a fight. This path I chose to explore was unfamiliar but as granny said, "you either win or you learn," so with the sun rising to kill the darkness, I promised myself to give this inter-universal swap my perfect shot.

After around five hours I reached Kesarganj where Ragini was supposed to pick me up and escort me to my palace in Aryabhoomi. I loved the sound of 'my palace'. Ragini had no idea about our swapped identities because the master-mind Chaya felt if I can dupe Ragini, I have high chances to dupe others and make it safe for the time I am in the palace.

The phone rang again and I smiled. Chaya was making sure I was fine. "Hi, Chaya, I have reached. Just looking for Ragini's car. I hope you have met granny or is she still fast asleep? Just give her lime juice for her hangover."

"Ehhh! Shhhh! Pri, how much do you talk?" Chaya scolded me. Fear crept inside.

"Is granny fine?" I asked with fear.

"Fine? She is more than fine. She is snoring and farting at the same time. Gross!" Chaya's revelation made me laugh.
That was a problem post-drinking. She loved roasted peanuts with her drink which caused gastric problems resulting in smelly farts.

"Stop laughing and listen to me carefully. Ragini's stomach is upset and hence she can't come to pick you up." Chaya sounded annoyed.

"I can take a cab or something. Not a big deal." I didn't want her to worry.

"No need. She has arranged a car, the number of which I am forwarding you. Just go there, with stance and style and 'order' the driver to take you to 'your palace'."
Chaya gave me instructions and I chuckled. These royals think being arrogant is classy.

"Okay! I will just check. Bye. Take care of yourself and granny." I was concerned about granny's well being especially.

I was looking for the car when I saw a boy dressed in a crisp white t-shirt and denim jeans with a white cap and goggles standing next to it.
I exclaimed. Their drivers were also so handsome? I couldn't help but admire the most handsome boy I have ever seen in my life. He was fidgeting with his mobile and tapping his foot. He was waiting for me. The thought gave me goosebumps.
'He is waiting for princess Chaya'. My inner self corrected me.

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