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"You look like venus, love" Praneet kissed my cheek while appreciating my reflection into the mirror.

"Happy third anniversary." I turned around and straightened the collar of his black Armani tuxedo.

"Can we just skip going downstairs and celebrate with just us?" Praneet wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

I knew where things would go from here so, I gently pushed him and said, "Dear Prince, what will the 1000plus gathering your grandfather has invited think if we don't go. As it is we are late."

Praneet kissed my hand and we headed downstairs for the celebration of our third anniversary. The wedding which was a shock was being celebrated with all pomp and show. Praneet and I were living in a beautiful house Praneet got constructed in a record time of seven months while I was in Mussoorie.
He named it 'OUR OWN'.
It was small and cosy but with royal exclusivities. Our bedroom had a bird's eye view of the mountains and that always reminded me of Mussoorie.
He refused all requests to live at the palace but we made it a point to visit the palace twice in a month and spend time with his family. Dada Saab was not so scary now. He and my Nana chose to keep their relationship a secret but we knew they met frequently.

My parents were running a small restaurant in Mussoorie. My mother's impeccable cooking skills made it popular soon and at any point of the day, it was packed. Another attraction was Granny's love lessons. She has become a love guru. From teenagers to middle-aged everyone came to seek relationship advice from her. To her credit, our little town was a lot bolder now.
My parents and granny were here to celebrate my birthday and anniversary. They surprised me with a cute midnight party organised by my hot as hell husband.

Chaya and Ragini wanted to come too but Chaya was pregnant. Yes, thanks to Science a successful IVF insertion with Uday's sperm made Chaya pregnant and our lovely gay couples were elated with joy. The motel my parents built with so much hard work was now a hotel and was doing good. The girls were doing a fantastic job and hired trained and dedicated staff for help.

Life was all settled and smooth except on Chaya's parent's side. Her mother died due to negligence of the right medication and soon after her father died too. But before his death, he passed on the palace and his other properties to his only daughter Chaya. On a day before his death, he called her and told her how much he missed her. He accepted that he was wrong all along. He also asked Chaya to deal with the palace and other properties as she pleased. It was an emotional moment because all her life Chaya yearned for her parent's love, sadly, she never got it.

Ragini and Chaya lived in Aryabhoomi palace and run the hotel there too. The royal eagles did shake the realm across the country. The royals of other states disapproved of this shameless and forbidden relation. But I guess times have changed and the new generation of royals have learnt the act of disagreement. An open rebellion by most of the younger generation in support of Chaya and Ragini made them popular and synonymous with 'I do what I want to do.' 'My life, My choice'.

They were no longer just princesses but youth icons. They encouraged people to embrace their identity and live life freely.
Death, rape threats and trolling were normal for these two but they tackled it with style and stance.

Granny spent two months in a year with Chaya and Ragini in her home- the Aryabhoomi Palace. These three were crazy women. I remember spending a night with them and they teased me so much that I called Praneet to pick me up immediately.
What was my fault?
Just that I was expecting in the first year of my marriage? The two-day non-stop sex session at Airbnb planted a seed in me. I was joyfully gloomy. I wanted to work at the company as a C.A. but in the state of pregnancy and Praneet's excessive protective ness, I preferred to stay at home.
He lined an army of domestic help for petty tasks too. I tolerated his madness for the first three months but I warned him after that, if he didn't stop treating me like a porcelain doll, I will go to Mussoorie for my delivery.
It worked.
He begged me to not leave and confessed, "Pratima, never leave me. Hit me, fight with me, shout on me, kill me even but just stay with me. For the first time in my life, I have something I can call my own. I just want to protect you from any danger, any harm. I can't see you in pain. But if my actions cause pain to you, I am sorry. I will do as you please."

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