25. Engaged to be married

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Destiny decides its course.

Pratima - Playing Chaya

I was blank.
I was told I was getting engaged then how could they marry me? No pheras, no other rituals? Just rings were exchanged and vermillion? I wanted to marry Praneet, yes, but I wanted my family especially granny by my side. And before anything else, I wanted us to love each other.

"Dadi Saab, what do you mean married?" Ragini looked equally shocked.

"Married means married, Ragini. Okay, I will explain. According to our customs when the girl agrees to marry, the boy applies 'Kesar (saffron)' in her parting. Kesar is considered as the purest thing in our family and the first time it is applied to a girl by her husband, it marks them married. Yes, it's that simple.
When the betrothal rings are exchanged the boy and girl mark each other theirs. Their souls get connected. The vein of the ring finger is directly connected to the heart.
Marriage is nothing but making two hearts beating separate as one.
The rings bind them. But, with changing customs and traditions, elaborate weddings have started and new ceremonies have taken over. We will follow those customs too because Princess's family also have their rituals. Though, from our side, Praneet and Princess are officially married. I thought you all were briefed about this custom?" Granny explained and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Rani Saab, in marriage we are supposed to follow what the groom's family decides. So, if according to your customs they are married then we are ready too." My new father threw the bomb and I clutched the sofa I was sitting on tightly.

"But her wedding trousseau is not ready. We can't send her like that." My new mother was worried about the trousseau?

"Lets not rush. We both weren't ready and need a little time. Besides, I want a proper wedding. I want to take vows around the sacred fire." Praneet was trying to get out of the situation and I could see he was tensed too.

"Praneet, marry today or after a month it doesn't matter. This is our custom and we follow it. Lata Ji, you don't have to worry about the trousseau. We are the KESARI'S we can get anything at the snap of fingers. So, if Abhimaan is ready to accept it as a proper marriage we can welcome Princess Chaya from this day onwards. We all have been married like this and it brings good luck." Praneet's grandfather tried to convince everyone.

I looked at Ragini for help but she looked helpless.

Praneet was angry and said with finality, "Dada Saab, I need time."

"Well, Praneet it's better she stays here. She will be safe. She can go with you to the office and other places. God forbid if something happens to her while commuting or even at her palace for that matter, you wont like it, will you?" Praneet's grandfather whispered in his ear but I could hear it loud and clear. It was a warning which if overlooked could be dangerous.

Praneet looked at him in anger and replied in the same tone, "I am not scared of your threats, Dada Saab. Don't do this."

"Suit your self." His grandfather agreed.
Thank God!

"Ladies and Gentlemen Praneet wishes to discuss with his better half first. While we enjoy drinks and dinner let's give them time to "think" about it." Praneet's grandfather was very cunning and didn't agree to dissolve the marriage just yet.

Praneet took me to a gazebo that was brightly lit and the aroma of fresh flowers filled the air. When we reached there he pulled a chair for me to sit and sat opposite to me. He was tapping his foot continuously and I could see he was raging from within. He didn't want this alliance. The engagement was just a formality. He didn't want me as his bride and that somewhere pained my heart.

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