11. The deal titled 'MARRIAGE'

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Chaya- Playing Pratima

As I hung up the phone, she snatched my phone.

"Work first," Nani ordered me.

"I am not obligated to follow your orders. The house is clean and if you wish to make it spotless, feel free to do so." I didn't like her tone and the princess in me suddenly awoke.

She was amused by my reaction. She dialled a number and bitched. I knew it was Pri's mother on the line. This was so irritating. I left her and came to granny. She was cooking looking a little lost. I hugged her from behind. I never really hugged my mother out of love. Birthdays or other occasions, formal and obligatory hugs was the royal rule. Hugging granny gave me the warmth I yearned for.

"Why don't you say anything to her?" I asked her.

"She was right Pri. You should be less clumsy. She has the right to be angry. You spoiled all her clothes." Granny sided with nani but I could feel she was also not happy with her behaviour.

"But, she could have been a little polite. I didn't do it on purpose. The bag was so heavy." I defended myself.

Granny sighed and touched my cheek with love and suggested, "Just be careful in future. Let's not give her a point to raise a finger on my upbringing. Please Pri."
Pratima- Playing Chaya

I shivered like a leaf. I hope he didn't hear everything. I will be doomed if he did.

"You are in a relationship with someone?" Prince questioned me with an unfamiliar expression. I don't know how much and what he heard but his accusing eyes told me he was hurt. I didn't want the engagement so, if I said yes, the plan to break it will be successful but if I deny and make an excuse my new father will not eat me alive. I was not in a position to put up a fight with him, right now. Besides, I had to punish the Prince for stealing my first kiss.

"Answer me damn it!" the Prince raged and a lump formed in my throat.

"Why should I answer? Who are you to question me?" I whisper shouted back just like him. His furrowed brows gave me the confidence to say further. It was enough now. I will say what I felt. "You call me rude and arrogant? Why shouldn't I be? I am being traded like a sheep for the slaughter. I live hooked to a pole at my home and you have plans to kill all my dreams. You stole my first kiss and I don't trust you. I doubt I ever will."

I turned back to the prince and took a deep breath. I don't like fights and have never answered back anyone other than my mother sometimes and I have to pay back every time. My eyes welled with tears.

"I kissed you? I kissed you because... from the start your parents were observing our each and every move. The talks and gestures we shared and I knew they won't be happy. You hardly spoke or engaged in any conversation. Then you hit me bad for nothing." The Prince was defending himself.

"Hit you for nothing? You were... You were..." I couldn't frame the correct words to describe his act.

"What? Can't describe? I thought you were a literature student." The Prince was mocking me.

"You do know what I mean. Look, I am not expecting anything from this relation. So, as you said you have proposals lined up for you, select someone who gets a tingling sensation with your kindergarten drawings and pleasure from your kisses. Don't proceed since I can't give you anything. I am not..." I stopped midway because the Prince was smiling.
Was I telling a joke?

"No! Please go on. Let's get things clear. Finally, you are venting out and I am understanding the reason for your estranged behaviour. Coz according to Ragini, you are the sweetest, cutest and loveliest human alive." The Prince was finding it funny.

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