18. Seductive, dramatic and eloquent

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Chaya- Playing Pratima

Granny was fast asleep.
I rummaged through Pri's clothes and she actually had nothing to wear. What do I do? Time to do a makeover. I grabbed a black top, cut its sleeves and shaped its neck a little deep. It was a crop top so the length was fine. Her denim jeans I have been wearing for two weeks now, time to say goodbye to it. I made hot shorts from those.
I used a red lipstick I stole from Nani's vanity.
Oh My! I looked Hot!
Wished the love of my life was here to see me like this. Sadly that Bastard Badal will have a view of the sexy princess.

I knocked on Badal's door and he opened it. The glass in his hand graced the floor. He was bewitched with just the sight of me. He opened the door for me to come in.

"So, what will you drink?" Badal asked me showing his collection.
Ugh! It was a cheap collection but I had to look impressed.

"Whatever you think is good for me," I replied sweetly.

"I am guessing it's your first time, why don't you start with this." He poured me whiskey.
For a first-timer? That was his suggestion?
He didn't know I was a tank. The time he took to sniff, I could gulp an entire bottle down. I took a sip and coughed.
Uh! What brand was it?
Badal took his chance and rubbed my back.

It's Alright Chaya. You can do it. I encouraged myself.
"It is strong," I replied and he smirked.

"There are many things stronger than this. You still have a lot to see, baby." Badal should write a book on suggestive talking.

"I am sure you will be there to show me what's 'stronger' than this." I played innocent.

"With pleasure. Aren't you hot?" Badal opened his shirt giving me a view of his flab.

I am not body shaming. I am against it. But, when it's an asshole like him, it'a acceptable.

"Like what you see?" He questioned and I pretended to be shy. "Shed your shyness, baby." Badal moved his hand on my bare thighs. I let him. It was important. He took it as a sign of acceptance and proceeded further. He was about to plant a kiss on my neck but I got up and he groaned.

"Badal, I will be honest with you. I am here because you threatened me in the morning. I don't want to annoy my parents. They are evil. I fear they will punish me if they get to know I was spying on you. If you stop the investment they will be angry on me and get me married." I faked sadness and sat next to Badal.
"You don't want to see me married at just twenty?" I put my one leg over the other and my toned legs were a good show.
"I want to have my share of fun too. Like, enjoying a drink with a friend." I took a sip and Badal again put his hand on my knee rubbing it in circles. I fisted my palms to control my anger.

"Pri, sweetheart. Don't worry. I will make you experience all kinds of fun." Badal assured me pressing my knee sensually.

"How can I trust you? I saw those pictures in your drawer which led me to investigate further. Do you... Do you... See me like that Badal?" I put a strand of my hair behind my ear and questioned Badal. The pictures I saw in his locked drawer were cheap. He had tried to nude sketch Pri. The pictures were not aesthetic but awful. He had shaped her private parts as per his desires and it showed how disgusting his mentality was.

"Pri, we are adults now. I see you like this sexy temptress who walks day and night in front of me and I have to practice self-control. Those sketches are my only resort. I draw what I wish to do to you." Badal pulled me on top of him with a jerk and moved his hand on my butt. "In reality, I want to do much... much... much more to you." He thought his voice sounded sexy but it was hoarse.

I slipped through his grip. "Badal, you threatened me in the morning you have something against my family. To be true, I don't mind what you do with my parents but they affect my granny and me. You know how much I love granny. Now, just look at Nani she keeps troubling granny. I can't see my granny like that." I faked a tear or two. Though the thought of granny being troubled pained my heart.

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