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Safety is not permanent
Keep your guards on.

Chaya - Playing Pratima

Days passed and I was getting paranoid. Badal was a leech and his advancements were increasing by the day. It was getting hard to tackle. He left no chance to touch me here and there. He accompanied me at all meals of the day and it was irritating me to the core.

Granny was fighting like a ferocious tigress against Pri's mother and Nani. The war of legends was entertaining. Though the last resort to save their ass from the blaze called granny was Nani blackmailing her with something.

She often used the phrase 'hidden treasures need to be explored'.
I wondered what it meant.

There was something granny was hiding and Nani knew about it.
I thought only Royals had hidden secrets but I guess every person had something they wanted to hide from the world. It was acceptable. It was their choice. Who better than me could understand about it. I was hiding a secret which if revealed would shake the royals across the country.
The thought of shaking the realm reminded me of my partner in crime Ragini. I missed her terribly.

We decided to give ourselves a break but it was getting difficult to not talk to her anymore.

Pri was doing fine at the office. Praneet was not troubling her and my parents were just happy she was away with a boy who was a hot property in the market.

I was reading some document when Badal walked into the office in his hideous clothes. Who wears a red satin shirt with yellow pants? He looked like a clown. No clowns were funny but he was despicable. I couldn't stop my laughter on the thought how he would look, if cartonised like a minion.
Shit! The thought was hilarious and I burst out laughing.

He demanded for the reason I laughing so hard but I could not tell him it was him. I was so busy laughing that I didn't realise when the rascal came and grabbed me from behind. I stopped immediately.

He kept his chin on my shoulder and our bodies were touching. I abhorred it.

"Since you are in a fun mood let's play pretend game at the construction site. The carpenters are not available, you think we could 'hook' some nails?" Badal was rubbing his body against mine and his comment was utterly cheap and unacceptable.

I distanced myself and looked at him with rage. "Stay in your limits. You dare enter my private space next time, I swear I will slash you."

"Come on Pri. Grow up. It was only friendly. We have been working for a few days now, a little fun and frolic is allowed? Ain't it? You have been having your share of fun too. Exploring my 'private' space in my absence. Now, don't look so shocked. You think I wouldn't know?" Badal traced his finger on my cheek but I hit his hand away.
"The drawers you have been opening every now and then to find something? What? Let me guess, umm... a proof against me? Sweetheart, you think I am a fool?" Badal whispered in my ear, "They are in my room. Come with me tonight and I shall give whatever you ask for. Promise."

Badal rubbed his lips on my ear and I slapped him. It was enough. He stood there holding his reddened cheek. "I love violence in Love. Let's go wild." Badal had some hungry desires. He didn't even mind a slap.

"This is the last and final warning Badal, stay away from me else I will tell everyone about your filthy acts." I threatened him.

"It's sad to see a temptress like you keeping away from pleasures of ecstasy. This will be our little secret. I tried to explain this to you when you were twelve but you created a drama and I was sent away. Now, we are adults and your greedy parents are under my control. You know very well what would they rather trust? Me and my investment or you and your honour? Think wisely act accordingly. You don't have much time." Badal left with a smirk.

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