15. Office-Office

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If the motive is good all wrong is moral.

Pratima- playing Chaya

"Very well then I have lots of important tasks to do. I shall... See you, when I see you. If you need anything, don't bother me. Help yourself." The Prince left the cabin in a rage but I was grinning.

How did I like this boy when I first saw him? I even fantasised about kissing him. He was not what I imagined him to be. He was just like others, selfish and mean. He did not bother about anyone's feelings. What benefited him and yielded him profit was all he cared for. To his advantage, he wore a mask of a conservationist who hid his dirty deeds. I pitied the people who loved him.

If Chaya's father was using her for his financial gains people like this Prince encouraged his vile acts. How I wished I found someone half as handsome and rich as him but a heart that was warm and filled with love.

I turned on the computer and a welcome note popped on the screen. A cartonised picture of me with a welcome banner and lots of hearts. It was sweet and I was smiling ear to ear.
I wanted to call Chaya but she advised me until it was an emergency I should not contact her while I was here. The entire unit was covered with cameras and the Prince was very sharp. He was a tech genius and the last we wanted was him exposing our little secret in case the office devices were examined.

'Frame advertisements?' I laughed at the task given to me. Wasn't that what I was doing since I was fourteen? I did it for our Airbnb and now doing the same for these articles should not be tough. If I quickly frame advertisements I could visit the finance department and learn something that would help me.

I read the elaborate brochure and other details provided until my stomach grumbled. I had not brought lunch with me. The factory was in the outskirts and I doubted there was any restaurant close by.

I enquired and found that there was a canteen in the East wing. When I came to the floor where the Prince's cabin was, I thought to tell him but then he had asked me not to bother him so, I went on my own. After walking almost a kilometre I reached the canteen all exhausted. I ordered a lunch meal for my self. I was craving a basic meal. The yearning for fancy food was slowly diminishing.

I could sense many eyes on me. They must be thinking how could a princess sit there and have food? Time to change social norms.
A plate with two chapatis, rice, plain dal and mixed vegetable looked decent and the taste was good. I had it happily enjoying my me time and after a little strolling here and there, reached my cabin where the Prince was waiting for me.

Chaya- Playing Pratima

Granny and I shifted to a room not bigger than a bathroom. I knew Pri's parents were doing it on purpose. Granny was old, she needed fresh air and a little more space. How could someone be so inconsiderate towards their mother?

"I am sorry Granny. My foolishness landed us here." I felt terrible that because of me she was away from the home she loved so much.

"It's not your fault you silly girl. If only, I could keep you away from all the problems or taught you how to tackle them better. What's done is done. Time we have some fun. Let's be Jerry and kick the ass of Tom." Granny's eyes had a mischievous shine like that of a little girl.

I was always up for some fun. I gave her a high five and we made a plan to trouble Pri's parents. Though granny warned me not to do anything against Badal.

It was time to meet the Cumulonimbus a.k.a. BADAL. I still needed to find what he did with Pri. I couldn't ask her directly but I could dupe that stupid boy. One flirty smile should work well.

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