3. Master Plan

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Magic Mirror, on the wall,
who, now, is the fairest one of all?
The mirror could not decide.

I was looking into a mirror. A mirror image of mine sitting opposite to me. She was doing the same. We were both observing each other when finally I broke the silence and asked her, "What's your age?"

"Twenty one," she replied.

"So, we are not long lost, twins. I am twenty. Tell me about yourself and I shall tell you about me. There's no point in concealment. What say?" I was so curious. It was only in movies that things like these happened.

"I don't know you but I feel, I can trust you. My name is Chaya and I am the princess of Aryabhoomi. I am here because I ..."

"You are a Princess? Wow! I have never met a royal in my life. A royal who looks like me! Hahaha!" This was an exceptional night. Chaya furrowed her brows at my comment. I stopped laughing and bow dramatically. "Your grace."

She smiled at my antic. We might look indistinguishable but she was exquisite.

"I didn't get your name," Chaya asked softly.

"My name is Pratima, your highness," I answered her.

"What a beautiful name, Pratima." Chaya appreciated my name and I smiled.
Yeah, one of the few things my parents did well for me was giving me a beautiful name.

"Thank you. Please continue with your introduction. I am sure you have lots to tell." I was using all the magical words I knew. I was talking to a royal and needed to be at the best of my behaviour.

"Pratima, I am here because I am bored... Fed up with my life. Being proper all the time, following courtesies. I need a break. Especially before my father starts searching for suitors to wed me, I wanted to be free. Live in a small, cosy house. Do my chores myself, walk on the roads without cars and security. Wear sloth clothes and roam without being judged." Chaya looked at the far end narrating her list of desires.

"Uh! I get it. The princess wants to let herself loose. Pardon my saying so, but you are very lucky to be born with such facilities. The life you desire is full of struggles and I am a live example in front of you. I am running away too. From my mother who just wishes to save every penny she can, from the tiring daily chores I have to do, from walking miles on foot, from the same clothes I wear to every place I go." My list was endless.

"Pratima, this is so much fun. Such a spicy life. You must embrace these things with open arms. Fighting and achieving something." Chaya asserted with a smile.

"I could say the same, princess. Not everyone is born with a silver spoon, gold spoon in your case, if I may say." The girl was so unreasonable. Who gets bored with luxuries? These royals were crazy.

"Pratima, trust me your struggles are any day better than the cage I am in. I can't do what I want. Eat what I want. Study, what I want. I wanted to study business, I had to take up literature to polish my already polished language skills. All that looks glitter and gold is actually dusk and stone." Chaya's list of 'sacrifices' seemed endless too.

"It's the same for us, commoners. We can't eat what we want because we don't have that much money. Study? That's not even an option. We chose the cheapest course available." I retorted. Chaya was anything but privileged and she was exaggerating non-existent struggles.

"Grass is greener on the other side. Hence proved." Chaya remarked and I agreed.

"So, basically you have escaped from your house and chose to hide in our house." I enquired. Under that innocence, I could see a very naughty child.

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