38. Love the mate I went on a date, only to hate, again?

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Chaya- Playing Pratima

It was around eleven Praneet called back Ragini. She called him early in the morning but he was sleeping. We were as usual working together on the hotel project. I gestured to Ragini to put the phone on speaker mode because I wanted to hear the juicy gossip too.

"Hello, lover boy," Ragini addressed him and I clapped silently on her choice of name.

Praneet clarified his stand with an elaborate statement, "Loverboy? Come on Ragini, you know me better. I want a perfect love story. Pratima is a fantastic girl but I... I... Don't have those feelings for her. We are... friends, maybe a little more than friends and yeah I told her I am attracted to her. She is damn pretty." Praneet clarified his stand.

"I know! The same facial features have trapped me too." Ragini winked at me and I blushed at her comment. "Praneet, I hope you don't have any problems with my sexuality." Ragini was curious to know about his perspective since she told him about herself.

"I will be honest Ragini that it was a shock. But if that's your choice I don't have any problems nor will I let anyone question you. You mean the world to me and I have always tried to fulfil all your wishes, whether reasonable or not. However, you have to promise me that you won't do anything stupid as Uday told me. Eloping is unacceptable and dying is no option. Promise me." Praneet had the right to be scared and it only showed his love for his sister.

Ragini looked at me and I gave her a thumbs up.

"Sorry, Praneet. I won't take extreme steps. I promise. You may not be sure of your feelings but I love Chaya and I can't live without her. Also, I must tell you that you may have just kissed your wife but we have done way beyond a married couple's limit." Ragini was so blunt.

I threw a pencil at her for her comment but she laughed and dismissed it.

"God! Ragini so shameless you are. You kiss your girlfriend square in front of your elder brother and now you proudly flaunt having sex with her. I see some serious hormonal changes or is Chaya rubbing off on you? Is she the shameless one making you one too?" Praneet made fun of me and I raised my brow making Ragini chuckle.

"Praneet, I love it when she rubs off on me." Ragini was brilliant at comebacks and I loved her for that. I smooched her hard as a reward.

Ragini mouthed me kiss while suggesting Praneet, "Please be careful with Pratima because she is a very simple girl from a small town. Don't lead her on if you are not sure."

Ragini was right. I knew the kiss must have meant a lot to Pratima. She was a person who loved fantasising and I would be sad if her dreams don't come true.

Praneet heaved a sigh and pointed out, "Ragini, it was my first kiss too and you know that. I was sure when I chose to kiss her. I like her and I guess she does too so, I am not thinking about the future and going with the flow. We will return tomorrow morning and I know we have to not only trap Dada Saab but Chaya's father too. I thought that now that his property is mine he could be tamed but his daughter is not mine because you have her."

We laughed at Praneet's joke and hung up the phone after little more chit-chat.

I suggested a brilliant plan to execute but Ragini started a session of dry sex and it was so stimulating. Wicked girl. She knew we didn't have time still she was torturing me.


Praneet had a lunch meeting in the afternoon and asked me to accompany him.
The meeting was very interesting but the best part was that Praneet introduced me as his wife unlike the romance novels where the arrogant billionaire does not acknowledge his forced wife.

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