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Living your desire
Or living in an illusion?

I felt deceived by Chaya's betrayal. I could not think of any comeback, any reasoning, any alternative I could suggest to Chaya so that she dropped the plan. "Chaya, please, I love my granny. Don't harm her. You should have told me about this prince issue. I would have been prepared and decided whether I wanted to go ahead with the switch or not. You didn't play fair Chaya."

"Pri, please don't cry. I don't want to hurt you or anybody. I am a good girl stuck in a world of selfish and emotionless people. I wanted to escape and you were God sent to me for my goodness. I assure you, I will return before events turn adverse...
Your granny is amazing Pri, please share her with me for a few months. I have never been loved just judged. You know I will get wed in a loveless marriage. This is my only chance to experience 'love'.
Alternatively, just flirt around with the Prince. I am sure he is quite smart and will shower you with gifts. Keep them and him. You wanted to experience this kind of 'love', now is your chance. Think again with a clear head. Just don't act stupidly and force me to do something I don't want to. We will talk later. Bye." Chaya disconnected the call and me.

She played the same tricks with me last night. She knew very well how to convince. I lied down on the super deluxe princess bed. My body was used to a simple foam mattress and I doubted if I would be able to adjust.
'Hurt granny'
'Going to jail'
'Prince charming
'Flirt with him'
'Enjoy luxuries'
I smiled between my tears with the range of options from jail to luxury. What have I led myself into? Cursing and crying I drifted to sleep. Last night Chaya and I were just discussing us. Our lives, likes, dislikes, desires, dreams and aspirations.

"Pri, go and clean the top floor and call the plumber before the guest arrives next week. Call me if you need help. You don't want to piss off that effin female you call "mumma"." Pri's granny warned me. She was way too cool for a grandmother.

I knew about Pratima's parents. They were just like mine, selfish and self-centred. But, her granny was adorable. Yes, her farts made the house stink but the fresh breeze of the hills refreshed it again. She cooked a delicious breakfast and fed me with her own hands. No seven-course meal cooked by any chef was half as tasty as her 'parathas'. The cherry on the cake was when she graced them with extra butter. I was ready to gain all those extra kilos and curves for such food.

I came upstairs and broomed on the floor as per the directions of the YouTube video. We vacuum cleaned in our palace and I was least bothered when they did that so, I didn't know anything about cleaning. My back was sore. I couldn't even walk. This was so tough. Why couldn't they hire help? This cleaning was for the guest which was 'me' and I was staying in Pri's small cosy room, full of warmth and personal touch. So, why clean? I put the broom aside and relaxed. The view was enchanting. Tall Mountains covered in green and white.
I was happy here.
I hoped Pratima was convinced enough and she stayed at the palace for a while. I hated blackmailing her but I had no option. I needed time. She still didn't know the real reason I left the palace and most importantly, the supposed alliance with the Prince. No one could know.

"Princess, please get up."
Who was this princess not getting up and disturbing my sleep?
It's me! Shit!
I got up with a jerk.

"Oh! My God! Princess. Please forgive me for scaring you. You shouldn't have got up like that. Let me give you a massage." The female staff, Garima, immediately started to rub my forehead in a circular motion calming me down. She was so scared. Poor soul. It wasn't her fault.

"Its okay, Garima. I am fine." I told her and she relaxed. If at all I live here, I won't be an arrogant bitch.
She gave me a glass of orange juice and informed me about my arranged date with the Prince tonight. I was taken to my dressing room to select the designer dresses with matching accessories the prince had sent for me with "love".
My eyes popped out seeing the gorgeous dresses. Four cocktail gowns? I had just one gown back home made out of my mother's old saree. I asked Garima for a suggestion. She was undoubtedly more experienced than me. She hesitated then selected the pink gown for me but my eyes were stuck to the wine coloured dress with a layered skirt. I thought it will look good on me. I have a fetish for earnings and the earnings with this one were pricey. If I get to keep this stuff, as per Chaya's offer, I might as well take advantage.

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