36. Slender Bond

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You are all my prayers
the answer to all my prayers.

Eating lunch quietly in the sun with a magnificent view of the city I adored and the boy I love, was a dream.

"Pratima," Praneet called out my name and I felt like I was transported to a new world. He had once told me "whatever you say after taking my name, consider it done." I understood the feeling now. My name sounded like an invocation when he addressed me.

"Pratima, where are you lost?" Parneet touched my hand and asked me.

I am lost in you, stupid. I wanted to say out loud but I just nodded my head in 'nothing' and finished my food.

"What's your plan against Dada Saab? You mind sharing?" I asked him because I wanted to know if he trusted me.

He thought for a while then disclosed, "I think Dada Saab has done a crime or something illegal which your grandmother knows about. I was tipped by an old employee that the runaway princess... Ummm... I mean Granny, caught him red handed. She had come to tell him she was in love with someone else and she did not want this alliance. When she saw him doing 'something' she gave him no explanations and ran away from there. Probably, Dada Saab fears she will blurt out his truth. I don't know, it's been years still your Granny is scared to appear publically and Dada Saab holds grudges against her. We need to find what Granny knows."

"I can never imagine that Granny belonged to such a well off family and is hiding a deep secret inside her. She is the coolest person you will ever come across. You know, if she doesn't swear in a sentence consider her really angry with you. You can discuss anything with her." I don't know for how long I continued talking about granny and Praneet kept listening until my eyes started reared up remembering her. I excused myself and went to the nearest washroom. I shed tears missing her terribly.

Praneet was waiting for me outside. He touched my cheek and looked at me. "Hey, what's wrong? Missing her too much? I have a plan."

I didn't know what was on his mind but Praneet took me out of the hotel and we sat in his car. "Now, guide me to your home. I deserve a visit to my wife's home."

"We are going to my home?" I asked in surprise ignoring his wife comment.
I shouted in glee and called up Uday. He had spare keys of my house. "Uday, where are you? I am coming home. Yeah. Praneet and me both. We will sneak. Just shut up and come. You are always welcome. Bye. See you." I hung up the phone and I was happy?
I was elated.

"That smile is because we are going to your home or because you are going to see Uday." Praneet's question amused me.

"I met Uday yesterday only but I have been out of my home for more than a month now. Longest till date." I answered him honestly.
Like a tourist guide, I was telling Praneet about my city. The places to visit, their history and their geography. I didn't care if it bored him.

When we almost reached home, I sceptically asked him, "Can you walk a little? This car of yours will catch a lot of attention."
Mussoorie was a small city and such cars in our area were not common. He agreed and we parked his car safely. I was excited and had a pump in my walk.

Praneet had a habit of walking taking my hand in his. I had no complaints.

We reached the back gate of my house, "This is my home." I proudly showed Praneet and didn't miss his admiration for the place.

He looked at the house then at me. "Nah." he paused and I frowned.

Praneet leaned towards me and stated, "The house is gorgeous but you take my breath away."
I was confused with his statement and his act. He was really close to me when Uday came and cleared his throat. I distanced with Praneet a little. He affected my senses.

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