29. Discovery

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Life is like raw mango
Bitter and sour
Add sugar
Add spice
Mix together and rejoice.

Pratima- playing Chaya

I was sad and disturbed by the whole scenario but then I was just an actor playing a character. I went too deep into the skin of the character. My biggest fault was I fell in love with my pretend husband who technically was my husband but just for a few days? After that, Chaya will replace me and I will go back to my original image. Somewhere the thought was unsettling but that was how it was supposed to be.

I decided to not react to whatever was happening. If Praneet wanted to take dowry, he can. I won't ask Chaya's parents for anything. That much self-respect I will maintain.

I am not going to let anything affect me. Not even Praneet, his care or his deceit. I am done loving him.

Just then the sound of a 'woof' came from the door and the gloomy atmosphere brightened up. My cute little poodle Chocolate was here.
I hugged and cuddled him. He wiggled his tail and licked my face.

"Did you miss me, baby? Aww. Hahaha." I was happy.

"Your father is here." Praneet told me coming inside the room.

"What are the instructions, sir? Give me the list of items you 'want' me to demand from him?" I taunted Praneet. He deserved it.

He scoffed and pulled me closer. "Stop this drama, Chaya. We can talk."

I released my hand from his grip and sat on the chair. "Okay, let's talk."

Praneet gritted his teeth and I could see anger developing in him. "You know what, think what you want to think. I thought you were a sensible and a smart royal who understood how things work. Clearly, you are stupid and obsessed with yourself. What is happening around, you don't give a fuck or bother understanding. Why has someone done or said something doesn't even matter to you."

I was trying hard to hide the tears welling up in my eyes. He was scolding me and I was quietly listening to him. "Sorry for not living up to your expectations," I answered him in a composed manner holding Chocolate tightly in my arms. I needed someone close.

"Are you seriously Chaya Dheeraj?" He questioned.
Was I caught?

"Ragini told me about how you tricked your parents and others, to get your work done. How clever you are. How brilliantly you convince people. Either my sister's analysis was wrong or you are a different person replacing Chaya." I heaved a sigh. I was not caught but called stupid in an exaggerated way.

"Look, I asked you at the start of the conversation what do you want me to demand. This endless list of complaints and accusations can be discussed after my father leaves." This level of patience in me was unexplored until now.

Praneet had so much anger in him. He smashed a glass on the floor but I didn't react. I was so impressed with my self-control.

"Chaya they will kill you and not shed a tear." Praneet held my arms and warned me.

"Am I living?" I questioned him with despair evident in my voice. If this was my real life, I would have been dead already. Such brutality was beyond acceptance.
Praneet was looking at me continuously and his fingers were digging deep into my skin.

"Chaya, please help me save you. If you continue with this attitude, I will not only have to fight with them but with you too." Praneet was looking so helpless but he just had to forgo his greed that was all I asked.

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