48. Royal Night of coitus

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The mysterious coitus
Love the lust

Ragini and I decided to stay at the honeymoon suite of the Walnut Grove and Resort Spa. The same place Praneet and Pratima stayed. We had earned enough to spend two days at the resort. Ragini's parents had accepted her besides she also had a brother who could pay for her expenses easily but I had no one. Uday and his family were a gift for me. I didn't want to take anything more from them.
So, Ragini and I had agreed that we will be equals in this marriage and I loved Ragini more when she refused to take anything from her parents and her brother. She made sure to maintain the equality status. To earn and spend is a feeling that cannot be expressed.

Ragini hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek. "Where are you lost, love?" She asked.

I didn't reply and kept admiring her shining face that accentuated my glow. I kissed her lips and she reciprocated with love.
My eyes brimmed with tears. "I love you Ragini. I love you so much." I broke down after the confession. She took me in her arms and made me sit on the bed.

"What's wrong princess? Do you miss your parents?" She knew me so well.

"I don't know why? They never loved me, just catered to my needs. Still, this day which is the most important day of my life, I miss them terribly. I know my mother's mental health is unstable and my father is oblivious or ignorant to the fact. He is so full of false pride. They have not once inquired about my whereabouts. Am I so bad? I was never a bad daughter Ragini. I broke their rules but nothing that would mean harm. They drugged me several times but I was still there. I hate myself for missing them." I was crying holding Ragini's hand for comfort.

"Chaya, don't you dare hate yourself. I don't approve of that." Ragini raised her brow and I wiped the mucus with a tissue.
"Chaya they are your parents. Their DNA runs in you. You will love them no matter what. I always said I hate Dada Saab but in reality, I didn't like his attitude. If you want you can speak to them." Ragini suggested and I thought why not. This was a crossroad and things will get better after this. Either we will sort out everything for good or if we don't, I will be happy at least I tried.

I took my phone and called my mother. She didn't pick her phone. Ragini suggested calling Garima, my handmaid to know the scene there.
Garima picked the phone and I was happy to hear her voice too. "Hi Garima, it's me, Chaya."

"Hello, princess. How have you been?" Garima asked me.

"I am fine. How are you? How are mummy-papa?" I asked her directly.

"I am good. Your parents are... fine." The pause Garima took told me she was lying.

"Tell me Garima." I urged her fighting my tears.

I could hear her sniffling. "Princess, since the day something happened at Kesarganj, Raja Saab has been drinking day and night. Rani Saab doesn't come out of her room. The palace is no better than a graveyard. It was never a happy place but now it is just a historical structure. I think they miss you a lot. I miss you too, Princess."

My tears weren't stopping and I felt so guilty. Was loving someone that big a mistake? I spoke to Garima a little more before dismissing the call.
Ragini dialled my father's number and he rejected it five times but I didn't give up. Finally, in his deep baritone, he spoke, "When someone is rejecting a call so many times, isn't the message clear enough?"

"When someone doesn't switch off their phone that means they are checking the desperation of the caller," I replied to my father in his words.

"What is it, Chaya?" He sounded low.

"I got married to Ragini today, Papa. I know you don't approve of this but that's my reality. Accept me. I miss you both. A lot." The line went dead and so did I.
After a final session of crying, I wiped my tears. "I am sorry Ragini for ruining our wedding night."

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