45. I no longer love you?

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We came to the motel first. One more story session. This time Pri's parents and her Nani. They were tensed and annoyed with our switch but one happy person was Nani. We didn't tell them about our homosexuality yet.

"I knew it. Such a civilised person cannot be Pri. The stance and style didn't match only. I... I... am so sorry princess Chaya. You see I didn't know it was you. Asha, first time in life I must say you have done a commendable job by bringing these girls here. You are most welcome, princesses." Nani bow in front of us dramatically and we hid our smiles.

"Pri, I didn't know my words that day hurt you so much that you decided to swap your life with someone? I am so sorry, my child. I am so sorry." Pri's mother sobbed. I gestured to Pri to accept her apology. She was trying to change.

Pri sat next to her mother and said, "Mummy, I don't want to fight with you. I just wanted a life with my parents. I understand you both are working hard to meet the needs but you both are my need." I wiped a tear on the corner of my eye. It was a universal struggle. Either parents are too nosy or too carefree.

"We will try Pri. We will try from now on. We will lease the hotel and live with you. Start something in Mussoorie town. Close to our daughter. I don't know how much time we can makeup but we will live each moment." Pri's father side hugged his daughter and I could see a family getting back together.

"Oh! There is an addition to the little family. Prince Praneet of Kesarganj is Pri's husband, your son-in-law." Granny threw the bomb and Pri's parents looked at Praneet. One person who was jubilant with the information was Nani.

"Oh! My! I always knew Pri will prove her worth. Prince please come and join your new family." Nani pulled Praneet and made him sit next to Pri. Nani could be useful sometimes. She clicked a few pictures of them and took a selfie with Praneet. She checked and was satisfied with her pictures.

Praneet got up and took a deep breath. Pri smiled for the first time today, looking at his discomfort.

"Sir, Ma'am, our marriage happened against our wishes and we were not even aware of it. I may be a prince but run a separate business of mine. I also intend to give up my title and the benefits my family receives. However, when it comes to Pratima, I intend to keep the alliance with her for a lifetime. If, you think I am worthy of your daughter, please accept this marriage." Praneet was so honest.

"Prince, if we moved back in time, we would have gladly accepted this marriage but now we want our daughter to follow her heart. If she decides to stay married she can, if she wants to step out of it, we are with her." Pri's mother gave their decision.

"That's a wise decision Rajana. Having said that, I think Praneet is a very credible boy and even if we tried we couldn't have searched for a better life partner for our Pri." Granny suggested and Nani nodded her head.

"I don't want this marriage," Pri announced and left the room. Praneet looked so heartbroken.

"Give her time." Granny patted Praneet's arm.

"Aunty, we are sorry for lying to you. But, we also wish to thank you for everything. These days we spent here were the best days." I apologised on Ragini's and my behalf.

"Princess, I understand your dilemma. Our daughter also ran away from the life we gave her. If it's not much to ask, we want you both to run this hotel. We had just created a structure but in a short duration the effort you have put in, we think you must continue to look through its operation in future." Pri's father proposed to us and we couldn't be happier.

"We will be indebted to you for life, Uncle. We assure you we will run this hotel to the best of our abilities." Ragini assured him and I was only thanking God.

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