12. Heating the 'gems'

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Chaya- Playing Pratima

"Why haven't you told your parents about it, Pri? They put in so much effort to find a suitable boy for you, and here you have found one for yourself and you didn't bother to tell them?" Nani was just dramatising the whole scene. I knew she or Pri's parents were not even looking forward to her marriage.

"I am sorry Nani. I feared you all will agree or not. The relation is still new and we have recently started to date. We are getting to know each other as a couple. Give us time. Please." I tried my best puppy face and I guess it worked.

"Alright, I will tell your parents and let's see what they have to say." Nani was about to call Pri's mother when granny stopped her.

"Rama, she just said they are still evaluating the bond they share. Give them time. Let's keep our granddaughter's little secret to ourselves." Granny spoke for the first time to save me.

"Asha, you will definitely suggest keeping things under wrap. That's what you are an expert at." Nani taunted granny and I could not decipher the underlined meaning. But, granny's pale expressions told me she was scared of something.

"I will tell your parents you like someone but 'who' I don't know? Fair enough?." Nani agreed to not reveal the name but she wanted to speak to Uday who had no clue.

What do I do now? I was biting my nails and granny nodded her head in disappointment.

Pratima- Playing Chaya

I was sitting in the car with my new father beside me. The ride was silent like before. When we reached our palace I wanted to go to my room and sleep. A lot had happened and I needed a clear head to process.

But, high tea was set up in my new parent's bedroom. The room was as big as our house in Mussoorie. It was the king and queen's room after all. It spoke of exclusivity and class. The chandelier, the bed, the carpet, the decor was exquisite.

My new parents and I sat around a small table on their balcony. The view of the garden and mountains ahead was a treat to the eyes.
My new father started telling us about how impressed he was with the prince's venture. Though he still thought the prince should have joined his father in his business and grow it manifold.

He also told us how the Prince seemed to be smitten by me. He was happy I will be joining the Prince from tomorrow and will be with him for a longer duration. That way I can keep him wrapped around my fingers. He requested my new mother to brief me about how I could do that.

He looked at me directly now and his eyes were deep and scary, like a hawk. "Chaya, I know you may not agree with whatever we are doing with you right now but in the long run, you will thank us. The royals of Kesarganj float in money. We have once broken their trust because of a rogue princess of our family and both families have paid a heavy price for that. We cannot, I repeat, WE CANNOT REPEAT the history. Your alliance is almost fixed with the Prince of Kesarganj and now if you do anything silly that causes defame to the family name, I swear I will pull the trigger right across your heart but after killing the one you love.
We have not touched him and he is living free as per your request but his life is in your hands and I know my daughter is very kind. She will not like her hands red with someone's blood."

My eyes could hold no longer and I wept. All this drama was scaring the shit out of me. I gathered courage and spoke, "Papa, I have agreed and I won't ditch you. But, the Prince is very cunning. He wants the amalgamation so badly because of the strategic position of our units therefore he wishes to marry me. He is not smitten by me. I doubt he even likes me. He is wicked. Please be careful. He does not trust..."
A sharp slap landed on my face making me fall off the chair. I could not breathe. No one had ever hit me. I have had numerous fights with my parents but never have they physically hurt me. Chaya's father was cruel.

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